- Robin des Bois - https://robindesbois.org/en -

“On the Trail“ n°22, the defaunation bulletin

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling [1]
from the 1th July to the 30 of September 2018 [1]
828 poaching, smuggling and rescue cases [1]
(pdf, 127 pages – 2.8 Mo)
Birds, pages 35 to 49

14 dead persons : 6 rangers, 8 poachers

Some quotations :
– 1 kg of totoaba swim bladders = 20,000 US$
– 1 sand boa  = 21,850 US$
– 1 green-winged saltator = 9.6 US$ in Minas Gerais (Brazil), 100 US$ in Rio de Janeiro
– 1 blue-fronted amazon chick = 123 US$
– 1 tiger canine = 1400 US$
– 120 g bear gall bladder  = 300 US$


https://robindesbois.org/wp-content/uploads/ON_THE_TRAIL_22.pdf [1]