A New Era for Elephants
The Chinese government decides to close its domestic ivory market. As a first step, on 31 March 2017 at the latest, approved ivory processing workshops will no longer have the right to engage in this activity. Secondly, by December 31, 2017, approved retail ivory stores will have to abandon this market. These workshops and stores were supplied with “legal” ivory from some Southern African countries and ivory poached across the African continent.
The reconversion of workshops and stores will be assisted.
The fight against raw and carved ivories smuggling and clandestine ivory workshops will be strengthened.
Consumer information will be increased to “create a propitious environment for the protection of elephants, other wild fauna and flora” according to the Chinese government’s announcement.
“For cultural reasons”, the only authorised commercial activity involving ivory will be the auction of certified antiques.
To save the donkeys from the Chinese predators
A tremendous boom in donkey skin exports towards China from northern to southern Africa has been noticed over the last year. The countries hit the most are Egypt, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana and South Africa. In Egypt, one donkey was sold 17 € two years ago and 170 € today.
Burkina Faso is the symbol of this sudden persecution.
– 1st quarter 2015: 1000 skins exported.
– 4th quarter 2015: 18.000 skins.
– 1st half of the year 2016: 65.000 skins.
Ivory Theft in the Seine Bay
An adult sperm whale was found stranded in the Seine mouth on Friday, November 25, 2016 downstream to Port 2000, Le Havre. The carcass is still in place. Thieves have snatched or cut the ivory teeth. A biologist confirms that teeth are quickly stolen from the sperm whales carcasses after their stranding.
“On the Trail” n°14 – 1st July – 30th September 2016
“On the Trail” n°14
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
n°14 / 1st July – 30th September 2016
112 pages (6.8 Mo)
Bags stuffed with monkeys, turtles, pangolins, ivory and birds, cruelty and money go together. Countless victims of so-called sustainable palm oil. Scared eyes and rangers who die or bring up cubs on the bottle.
112 illustrated pages.
CITES CoP17. Johannesburg – Press release n°1
Press release n ° 1 – Opening
CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
17th Conference of the Parties. Johannesburg – South Africa
September 24 to October 5, 2016
Ivories from elephant and mammoth will be on the table with hornbill red ivory, pangolin scales, tiger and lion bones, psychedelic gecko, banggai cardinal fish and peregrine falcons…
Rosewoods traffickings will be viewed with a magnifying glass. Chainsaws will haunt the hallways.
“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES
Special Edition – 17th meeting of the CITES
For 3 years, the NGO Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) has been publishing in French and in English the quarterly bulletin “On the Trail“ on the poaching and smuggling of animal species threatened with extinction. Information come from a thousand sources, institutions, local medias and NGOs on the spot throughout the world. Each event is analyzed, related with a maximum of practical details and further developments are traced through time.
“On the Trail” n°13 – 1st April – 30th June 2016
– Corruption and violence go together. Both diseases are contagious. They are growing larger and larger and take root. Police, armies, rangers, airport officers are stricken. 19 known dead men among the poachers and the rangers and other law defenders during the last 3 months.
– Ensnaring and poisoning are on the increase.
– The smuggling tracks are shifting and sometimes surprising. Ex: Ivory from the United States of America to Kenya.
– Global turtles’ black market is on the rise. Until $ 10,000 US per unit.
– Hippopotamus ivory is settling down as a substitute to elephant ivory.
– Bad luck for them. It’s a newly rumored that the geckos can cure AIDS.
– One of long drug is coming back in the news: the venom of scorpion.
– Mistreated wildlife is on view on social network and the internet.
– The strengthening of sanctions after poaching and smuggling is notable.
“On the Trail” n°12
“On the Trail” n°12
Poaching and trafficking around the world
January, February, March 2016
114 pages (6.5 Mo)
Three heroes: the pilot of a helicopter shot down by poachers in Tanzania (p. 80), Chandni the female leopard in suburban Mumbai (p. 53), and No Border, an East African elephant (p. 77)
Donkeys are also targeted by Chinese expats (p. 97) …
And black baza is sold in baskets in hair salons in Malaysia (p. 32).