Good news from Libya
Customs officers have just seized a total of 1,700 Kleinmann’s tortoises (Testudo kleinmanni) in a minibus and a heavy truck. These were the first 2 seizures observed in Libya since the July 2013 publication of “On the trail” n°1, the bulletin of Robin des Bois dedicated to poaching and smuggling endangered animal species.
They prove that despite the political and social chaos, wildlife is not completely left to the devices of traffickers and militia. The 2 vehicles were heading to Egypt. The first reports show that the 200 tortoises in the minibus were collected in the desert to the south of Tripoli. The 1,500 tortoises found in 18 bags inside the truck were collected in an area south of Benghazi.
“On the Trail” n°11
“On the Trail” n°11
The staggering world of wildlife poaching and smuggling
Quarterly Information and Analysis Bulletin
n°11: 1st October – 31th December 2015
100 pages of cruelty, corruption, courage, amazement, and beauty (6.6 Mo)
Discover caviar in a coffin, ivories in trailers and containers.
Explore the wigs and tailors networks.
Rescue vultures and worry about bears.
Elephants killed and smugglers released
Following an important smuggled ivory seizure in Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris in the luggage of two Vietnamese traffickers, the NGO Robin des Bois and Fondation Brigitte Bardot deplore that this significant action ended up in the almost immediate release of the suspects.
These two individuals were transiting from Angola via Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia and about to leave for Hanoi. They were released after 5 hours police custody.
According to the article L 415-6 of the Environment Code and 132-71 of the Penal Code, they are liable to 7 years imprisonment and 150,000 euros fine.
“On the Trail” n°10
“On the Trail” n°10 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
The wildlife crime scene of July, August and September 2015
80 pages PDF, 5.7 MB
“On the Trail” n°9
“On the Trail” # 9 is available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
April, May and June 2015.
pdf 106 pages, 5,7 Mo
Europe mixed up in the traffic of whale meat
The Winter Bay left Iceland on June 4 with a little less than 2000 tons of whale meat in destination to Japan. Iceland is with Norway the only country next to the European Union authorizing whaling.
The European Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora stipulates that Member States should prohibit the transport of specimens of all cetacean species living or dead or of by-products.
In fact, the Winter Bay came to be sold by its Norwegian ship-owner to a Latvian ship-owner, Aquaship Ltd. based in Riga. Latvia is a member of the European Union since 2004.