
Madagascar, Dynastes satanas, spiny tailed lizard, Kaiser’s spotted newt, coral

18 Mar 2010

News in brief:

Bluefin tuna: The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas is not opposed to the listing of bluefin tuna in Appendix 2, and Australia has declared itself favorable to the idea; more to follow…

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Madagascar, Dynastes satanas, spiny tailed lizard, Kaiser’s spotted newt, coral

18 Mar 2010

News in brief:

Bluefin tuna: The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas is not opposed to the listing of bluefin tuna in Appendix 2, and Australia has declared itself favorable to the idea; more to follow…

Polar bear: You can continue to purchase polar bear rugs and purses. The proposal of the United States to list it in Appendix 1 was rejected this morning. The European Union, the largest importer, contributed to this rejection. It was joined by Canada, Norway and Iceland. Polar bears, threatened by pollution in the Arctic, oil spills, ecotourism and the retreating ice shelf, are spending more and more time on land to find food; they are therefore more and more exposed to hunting. This icon of global warming was cut down in Qatar due to roadblocks of haggling and inertia. The European Union, as always talkative, “doesn’t want to isolate the case of the polar bear from an ambitious policy against global warming.”

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The fragrance of rosewood floats over CITES

17 Mar 2010

The fragrance of rosewood floats over CITES

This morning, the 15th Conference of States at CITES decided by consensus to approve the Brazilian proposal to list Brazilian rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) in Appendix 2. The international trade in rosewood essential oil will be controlled from now in importing and exporting countries. The listing makes a provision for the exclusion of finished products, packaged and ready for sale. Ladies, you do not need a CITES permit to travel with your No5.

Brazilian rosewood is also called pau rosa, its Brazilian name, to avoid confusion with other species from around the world which are also named rosewood because of their color. Pau rosa is exclusively present in the Amazon basin, principally in Brazil and French Guiana. Some populations were counted in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. As the Brazilian proposal emphasizes, the growth of this tree is slow while its exploitation is rapid. The harvesting surpasses its capacities for natural re-growth. All the countries in the region supported Brazil, as well as Mexico and Costa Rica on behalf of 25 Central American and Caribbean countries. Those which were against it didn’t so much as lift a finger.

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Bluefin tuna and sharks

16 Mar 2010

Bluefin tuna and sharks

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
CITES 2010 – Doha
Press release n°2

News in brief:

For a French ecologist who is accustomed to hydrocarbon and Volatile Organic Compounds odours, depending on Doha weather conditions, resembles both Fos-sur-Mer and Le Havre. The city is often covered by a smog of Arabian light oil and from the CITES conference centre, super-tankers can be seen crossing dhows made out of mangrove forest wood. The Israeli delegates are protected under tight security measures. That CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) in spite of diplomatic embargos permits for Israeli scientists and Arab countries to try to insure the survival of the ornate spiny-tailed lizard by listing it under appendix I is to the credit of the convention. Its range state residual intersects Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen and Israel. In Doha, WWF and the Union European are global warming sceptics; they refuse the inclusion of the Polar Bear to appendix I.

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Rosewood tree, African elephant, polar bear and Mariana mallard

14 Mar 2010

The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties of CITES, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora will take place in Doha, Qatar, from the 13th to 25th of March 2010. As with every precedent session since 1989, Robin des Bois will attend.

Currently at CITES there are 175 Parties. Decisions are based on a majority vote of 2/3. Appendix I bans international trade, Appendix II regulates trade and Appendix III is linked to an individual Party decision who asks other CITES Parties for assistance in controlling the trade. Robin des Bois’s summary of the previous CITES session is available on line at the following link (pdf in French).

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Rosewood tree, African elephant, polar bear and Mariana mallard

14 Mar 2010

Rosewood tree, African elephant, polar bear and Mariana mallard

The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties of CITES, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora will take place in Doha, Qatar, from the 13th to 25th of March 2010. As with every precedent session since 1989, Robin des Bois will attend.

Brazilian rosewood, rosewood tree (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke):

Chanel uses Brazilian rosewood an essential oil in their perfume n°5, in 1997 a controversy arose around this subject between the perfumery and Robin des Bois. This controversy was closed by a mutual accord on the necessity to protect Brazilian rosewood, notably via controlling international trade, by including the species on Appendix II of CITES and with plantation trials in French Guiana. Currently, essential oils of rosewood are on the market, for the most part they are made out of chemical substances but they could contain traces of the natural essence. The market of “organic farming” certificated oils used in aromatherapy claims Brazilian rosewood to have anti-depressing and aphrodisiac properties. The principal range state Brazil is proposing the inclusion of Brazilian rosewood in Appendix II. All of the French perfumeries are in favour of this proposal. More than 10 years after the start of Robin des Bois’ campaign, the time it takes for diplomacy, this proposal is an important issue for the Robin des Bois association. The battle is far from over as the Parties who profit from the wood industry are generally reluctant about including a tree in appendixes I or II. Concerning this species, clairvoyance by the Brazilians should be acknowledged.

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Rosewood tree, African elephant, polar bear and Mariana mallard

14 Mar 2010

The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties of CITES, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora will take place in Doha, Qatar, from the 13th to 25th of March 2010. As with every precedent session since 1989, Robin des Bois will attend.

Currently at CITES there are 175 Parties. Decisions are based on a majority vote of 2/3. Appendix I bans international trade, Appendix II regulates trade and Appendix III is linked to an individual Party decision who asks other CITES Parties for assistance in controlling the trade. Robin des Bois’s summary of the previous CITES session is available on line at the following link (pdf in French).

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A Plastic Sea ​​in the Seine River

11 Mar 2010

biomedia-RobindesboisMillions of polypropylene widgets used to attract bacteria in wastewater treatment plants are drifting along in the Seine after being dumped by either the Essonne Intercommunal Union for Sanitation and River Restoration (1) or its subcontractors.

The Norwegian inventor describes the technology as “a 3-room apartment with a kitchen where bacteria can live comfortably and eat pollutants in wastewater.” The technology, described in France as Radical Flow Fluidized Filter (R3F), is considered easy and economical to operate. The lifespan of the “biomedias” (2) is 20 to 25 years. They are used in Bordeaux, Mulhouse and upstream of Paris, to name a few locations. These bacteria niches can amount to 19 million units per 100 m3 of water. Operators have obviously released them in large numbers into the natural environment.

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The Eventful Life of a Family.

10 Mar 2010

Subject: Disabled Ship in Cherbourg

Disabled in Cherbourg due to propulsion damages, the Baco Liner 1, the eldest of the family, launched in 1979, has been detained for three days in the Port of Antwerp (Belgium) in June 2009 with 34 deficiencies of which 11 are relative to the propulsion and auxiliary equipment.

The 24 Baco Liner 2 Filipino crewmembers had been taken hostage for three weeks in February 2007 near the port of Warri in Nigeria by the group « Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta ». No ransom was paid. The kidnappers declared that the ship transported smuggled weapons and ammunitions. A spokesperson from Baco Liner denied comments.

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(Français) Clipperton : échouage du Sichem Osprey

8 Mar 2010

(Français) Clipperton : échouage du Sichem Osprey

Only in French.

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