(Français) Duralex, le verre vert

24 Jul 2024

(Français) Duralex, le verre vert

Only in French.

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(Français) EPR de Flamanville: actions en justice

23 Jul 2024

(Français) EPR de Flamanville: actions en justice

Only in French.

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Shipbreaking” #71, the International Shipbreaking Show

3 Jul 2024

Shipbreaking” #71, the International Shipbreaking Show

“Shipbreaking” #71
(pdf 97 pages – 16.2 MB)
October 1, 2023 –  April 30, 2024
120 sources – 264 photos

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Imprisoned, impaled, harpooned, desecrated

10 Jun 2024

Imprisoned, impaled, harpooned, desecrated

This is the hard life of cetaceans

The public is being consulted until June 18, 2024 on a draft decree concerning new management methods for dolphins born in jail and sentenced to life imprisonment. This decree is a model of hypocrisy. It is supposed to ban cetacean shows from December 1, 2026. In conjunction with the Ministry of Ecology, Marineland in Antibes (Alpes-Maritimes, Southern France) and Planète Sauvage in Port-Saint-Père (Loire-Atlantique, Western France) have found a workaround. They will be able to carry out scientific experiments in the containment pools. This animal experimentation and “medical” training will be open to the public for a fee.

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80 years later, they are killing and polluting

4 Jun 2024

80 years later, they are killing and polluting

In Normandy, there are at least 60 expressions for different shades of rain. Since D-Day, there has been a 61st one: “bomb rain”. Robin des Bois’ 9th inventory of the discoveries of bombs and other munitions in France and Germany is dedicated to Normandy, a considerable task and a mission that will last several centuries and will surely never end. On 6 June 2024, all heads of State should formally declare war on all bombing.

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(Français) Informations sur les risques sanitaires et environnementaux des feux d’artifices

30 May 2024

Only in French.

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“On the Trail” n°40, the defaunation bulletin

6 May 2024

“On the Trail” n°40, the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail” n°40
the defaunation bulletin
(pdf, 261 pages – 8.2 Mb)

1,532 events with references, checked, analysed, commented and strengthened
between March 1 and May 31, 2023.
376 iconographic documents, 
10 maps and historical archives.

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(Français) La plaie des friches industrielles

29 Apr 2024

(Français) La plaie des friches industrielles

Only in French.

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Fireworks: they are playing dead

26 Apr 2024

Press release n°2

It’s almost dead calm on the front line, after Robin des Bois’ alert on the Normandy sham (1) – 95 km of coastline plunged in the fumes and rockets of some twenty synchronised fireworks displays in a supposed tribute to all the soldiers Ryan and Coleman who landed on the sand on June 6, 1944 before breaking through the jungle in the “bocage”.

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Nuclear security – briefing note

25 Apr 2024

Nuclear security – briefing note

1. Departing St Petersburg, Russia, on 29 February 2024 bound for Philadelphia, USA, the Atlantic Navigator II made an unscheduled stop in Rostock, Germany, on 4 March due to damage to its propeller.

She left Rostock on 19 April after repairs and a customs inspection. This multipurpose cargo ship is carrying 241 containers of birch plywood from the exploitation of Arctic forests and enriched uranium.

Despite the war in Ukraine and tensions between the United States of America and the Russian Federation, trade in nuclear materials has not stopped, and Russian enriched uranium continues to supply fuel for some American nuclear power stations.

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(Français) Nucléaires civil et militaire

24 Apr 2024

(Français) Nucléaires civil et militaire

Only in French.

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(Français) Seveso kaki

11 Apr 2024

(Français) Seveso kaki

Only in French.

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(Français) La confusion nucléaire

8 Apr 2024

(Français) La confusion nucléaire

Only in French.

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(Français) Mourir en mer, une tragédie banale pour le bétail européen

4 Apr 2024

(Français) Mourir en mer, une tragédie banale pour le bétail européen

Only in French.

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Panic in the nests of Normandy

13 Mar 2024

Panic in the nests of Normandy

On the night of 1 June 2024, the Normandy Region and the D-Day Landings Committee are planning a war of fire along 95 km of coastline between Sainte-Mère-Eglise (Manche Department) and Ranville (Calvados Department). Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, Gold Beach, Juno Beach and Sword Beach will be ablaze with 19 synchronised fireworks displays. There is nothing peaceful about the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

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Frogs : appeal from more than 550 scientists and veterinarians

6 Mar 2024

Frogs : appeal from more than 550 scientists and veterinarians

Trade in frogs’ legs must be curbed, President Macron!

Paris, Munich, March 6, 2024 – In a joint letter, 557 experts from research, nature conservation and veterinary medicine have called on French President Emmanuel Macron to end the overexploitation of frogs in Asia and Southeast Europe for the EU’s hunger for frogs’ legs. France, as the largest consumer, should initiate the international protection of the most traded frog species through the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The letter is an initiative of Robin des Bois, the Veterinarians for Biodiversity (Vétérinaires pour la Biodiversité) and the German organization Pro Wildlife. A similar request was made by 46 NGOs on January 25 to Mr Béchu, the French Minister for Ecological Transition. So far, this letter has gone unanswered. “Are the French doomed to be froggies? It’s time to remember that frogs are also voluntary helpers for farmers.  When they disappear, pests proliferate and the use of pesticides increases” points out Charlotte Nithart, President of Robin des Bois.

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(Français) Les pis sur terre

22 Feb 2024

(Français) Les pis sur terre

Only in French.

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(Français) Le mal en mer

21 Feb 2024

(Français) Le mal en mer

Only in French.

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(Français) Viviez : l’électrochoc du lithium

19 Feb 2024

(Français) Viviez : l’électrochoc du lithium

Only in French.

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(Français) Une vague de PCB dans le Bassin de la Meuse

16 Feb 2024

Only in French.

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(Français) L’Arctique déboussolé

9 Feb 2024

(Français) L’Arctique déboussolé

Only in French.

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(Français) Atomique, polémique et ralenti par la banquise

7 Feb 2024

(Français) Atomique, polémique et ralenti par la banquise

Only in French.

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(Français) Les gazofolies de La Rochelle

2 Feb 2024

(Français) Les gazofolies de La Rochelle

Only in French.

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Frogs’ legs: letter from 42 NGOs to European ministers

26 Jan 2024

Frogs’ legs: letter from 42 NGOs to European ministers

On the initiative of Robin des Bois and Pro Wildlife, 42 NGOs*, including 18 French ones, yesterday wrote to the environment ministers of the 27 EU Member States asking them to put an end to uncontrolled imports of frogs’ legs and to propose, at the next Conference of the Parties to CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) in 2025, the inclusion in Appendix II of frog species whose legs are imported into Europe for culinary purposes. Appendix II enables control of international trade. The NGOs are also calling for imports to be suspended because of the unacceptable and cruel killing methods used. The letter sent is available by clicking on the link.

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29 Dec 2023


Nuclear, gas, forest fires, maritime safety…
Publications of Robin des Bois on the war in Ukraine and the French-Russian nuclear issue:
“Ukraine : Robin des Bois keeps a close watch on grain”, August 2, 2022
“La guerre du nucléaire”, 8 juin 2022 (Only in French)
“Le gaz russe avance masqué – suite”, April 26, 2022 (Only in French)
“Ukraine/Russie. Exclusif : les cargos et les marins otages de la guerre”, April 20, 2022 (Only in French)
“L’Union fait la farce”, April 14, 2022 (Only in French)
“Les roublards” (Gaz et Nucléaire), April 7, 2022 (Only in French)
“Arrivée du Clean Planet au terminal gazier de Dunkerque”, March 30, 2022 (Only in French)
“Le virus russe”, March 25, 2022 (Only in French)
“Russian gas is covering up”, March 18, 2022
“Despite the tensions, the current flows”, March 7, 2022
“Russian gas on the trail”, March 4, 2022
“White flag on nuclear sites”, February 28, 2022
The Atom of Discord”, February 25, 2022
“Sanctions against Russia: will they dare?”, February 24, 2022

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(Français) Mamie Total

20 Dec 2023

(Français) Mamie Total

Only in French.

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(Français) Monsieur Bricolage en Baie de Seine

2 Nov 2023

(Français) Monsieur Bricolage en Baie de Seine

Only in French.

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(Français) RAPPEL : Punaises de lit (Cimex lectularius)

4 Oct 2023

(Français) RAPPEL : Punaises de lit (Cimex lectularius)

Only in French.

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(Français) Note d’informations sur les risques du gaz

19 Apr 2023

(Français) Note d’informations sur les risques du gaz

Only in French.

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Fire of Notre-Dame de Paris

5 Jul 2022

Fire of Notre-Dame de Paris

Publications from Robin des Bois following the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris:
Ile de la Cité : a new polluted site in Paris (press release n°1), April 19, 2019
Letters sent to different ministers and state services, plus AirParif, April 23, 2019
Our Lead-y Notre Dame (press release n°2), April 29, 2019
Paris lead(er) instead of Paris-Plage (press release n°3), August 5, 2019
Notre-Dame, press release n°4, August 14, 2019
Notre-Dame, press release n°5, August 26, 2019

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(Français) Calmez-vous Madame la Mer, ça va bien se passer

11 Feb 2022

(Français) Calmez-vous Madame la Mer, ça va bien se passer

Only in French.

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(Français) Linkysition

15 Oct 2019

Only in French.

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(Français) L’Atlas du Business des Espèces Menacées

9 Oct 2019

(Français) L’Atlas du Business des Espèces Menacées

Only in French.

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(Français) Atlas de la France Toxique

11 May 2016

(Français) Atlas de la France Toxique

Only in French.

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