The sin of lead
Notre-Dame de Paris
Press release no. 13
During mass on Sunday 31 May 2020, the holy trinity made up of the City Hall, the Archbishop’s Palace and the Ministry of Culture preached to the press about the relics on the damaged square in front of Notre-Dame de Paris.
“Shipbreaking” #59
The bulletin n°59 could only be special. Robin des Bois tracked derelict and slave ships that prowled the Mediterranean and Black Sea and slipped through the meshes of the surveillance nets. They should urgently be scrapped, but they continue against all odds carrying anything from hashish and explosives to live meat (p. 2-46). In some respects, they benefit by the collusion of the European Union since many of them have as classification societies opportunistic companies established in Greece and Cyprus and acting on behalf of safe and prestigious flags such as those of Togo and Moldavia.
Pangolin + Covid-19 – “On the Trail” Special Edition
“On the Trail”
The defaunation bulletin
Covid-19 Special Edition
25 pages, 8.3 Mo
– Preliminary report on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on terrestrial and marine wildlife.
– Pangolin trafficking ante Covid-19 from the 1st October to the 31st December, 2019, and post Covid-19 from the 1st January to the 31st March, 2020. With maps.