(Français) La marée noire anonyme

19 Dec 2019

(Français) La marée noire anonyme

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(Français) 20 ans après le naufrage de l’Erika

11 Dec 2019

Only in French.

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(Français) Ubu TEX

5 Nov 2019

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(Français) Echouement en Corse

14 Oct 2019

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Oil spill caused by bauxite

30 Apr 2019

Oil spill caused by bauxite

Solomon Trader (formerly known as the Ocean Amber, the Noble Union, the Nueva Union, the Doric Chariot). IMO 9075670. Measures 225m in length. 73,592 deadweight tons. Hong Kong flag. Classification society Nippon Kaiji Kyokai. Built in 1994 in Ulsan, South Korea by Hyundai. Owned by King Trader Ltd. (Hong Kong, China). Detained in 2005 in Hay Point, Australia and in 2012 in Paradip, India. The Solomon Trader brings bad luck. On July 29,2002, as the Greek flagged Doric Chariot, she left Hay Point (Queensland, Australia) with her coal cargo and ran ground on a coral reef in the Great Barrier Reef near Piper Island. Australian authorities reported no casualties or pollution. On February 20, 2013, as the Hong Kong flagged Ocean Amber, she was anchored at Richards Bay, South Africa. The port anchor windlass motor exploded, which killed an Indian sailor.

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(Français) Depuis la Corse jusqu’à Alang

31 Dec 2018

(Français) Depuis la Corse jusqu’à Alang

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(Français) Une cascade de boulettes made in Med

3 Dec 2018

(Français) Une cascade de boulettes made in Med

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(Français) Mouillage sur la bande d’arrêt d’urgence

30 Oct 2018

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(Français) Une marée noire obscure

23 Oct 2018

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(Français) Accident de la route en Méditerranée

9 Oct 2018

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