“On the Trail“ n°25
the defaunation bulletin
pdf, 124 pages – 10.8 Mo
Whales and marine mammals, pages 19 to 20
The true novel of poaching and smuggling around the world
924 events from the 1st April to the 30 of June 2019
11 dead persons: 2 rangers and 9 poachers
A prefect ivory dealer in Gabon p. 88
Torture to death of a wolf in Russia, p.72
The gecko painted and in make-up in Bangladesh, p.32
A reticulated python in a Bluetooth speaker in the Philippines, p.31
4 amazons in a piggy bank in Colombia, p.39
757 tarantulas stuffed in plastic tubes and concealed in biscuits and tea boxes, from Poland and seized in the Philippines p.37
2 tusks painted black, wrapped in aluminum foil and hidden in polystyrene boxes containing dried seafood in Viet Nam p. 97
34 songbirds in hair curlers in the United States of America p. 42
In Cambodia p.55, Thailand p.57 and Indonesia p.115
Sentencing to plant and care for 25 trees for poisoning 25 vultures in India, p. 44
The trafficker claims that elephant tusks are cow horns in Cameroon p.53
Trafficking in rhino horns, elephant tusks and heroin p. 81 and p. 82
Smuggling of giant clam pearls to China, p.10
Puma teeth from Peru seized in China, p. 69
Release into protected wild habitats after weeks or months of care and wildlife relearning of 3 ocelots, 5 red howlers, 4 common caimans, 3 boa constrictors, 198 turtles, 18 birds in Colombia p.108. They all had been seized and had been destined for the pet market.
– 1 kg of dried seahorses : 1,800 US$ in China
– 1 kg of coral: 3,430 US$ in Tunisia
– 1 kg of dried abalones: 390 US$ in South Africa
– a pair of python skin sandals: 96 US$ in Pakistan
– 1 toucan: 72 US$ in Bolivia
– 1 kg of “swallow nests”: 1,860-4,248 US$ in China
– 1 Alexandrine parakeet: 58-360 US$ in India
– 1 European goldfinch: 300-2,500 € in France
– 1 kg of pangolin scales: 3,000 US$ in Singapore
– 100 g of tiger bones: 860 US$ in Vietnam
– 1 Sumatran tiger skull: 2,250 US$ in Indonesia
– 1 Asian black bear cub: 785 US$ in Thailand
– 1 kg of rhino horn: 41,000 US$ in Zimbabwe, 30,000 US$ in South Africa
– 1 kg of raw ivory: 250-3,500 US$ in Africa
– 1 tapir cub: 74 US$ in Brazil
– 1 orangutan still nursing: 44,000 US$ in Malaysia
– 1 otter: 60-150 US$ in Thailand
– 1 giant squirrel: 1,571 US$ in Thailand