“On the Trail” n°7.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling.
1st October – 31st December 2014.
pdf 132 pages, 7.1 Mo.
Whales and marine mammals, pages 6 and 7
Long live weevil !
Geoffreys Matipano, director of Parks and Wildlife in Zimbabwe, told journalists that the government is in possession of 5 t of horns in Harare. This “national heritage” is exposed to the risk of theft and to an invasion of weevil that chew up the keratin from the inside. “The horns are rapidly losing mass,” laments Matipano. |
In the nuclear industry, the cliff edge effect corresponds to the critical and hopeless phase where operators and authorities realize that all is going wrong and full loss of control is imminent, despite that indicators to that point had been overall reassuring and led them to believe that a crisis situation was on the verge to be managed.
The cliff edge effect is applicable to the worldwide crisis that faces land and sea biodiversity. For far too long, it was believed that international treaties of which the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are at the forefront would be able to protect non-human animal species. Yet, all the dials are red.
Sea cucumbers, pangolins, African and Asian monkeys, elephants, vultures – they are all sacrificed
at the altar for the unquenchable space and comfort want of mankind.
South Africa is a victim of the cliff edge effect. Rhinos are spiraling down in a panic stage for the profit of speculators and fools around the world. 194 countries and governments, 7.3 billion men and women are unable of joining hands to stop 20,000 rhinos from meeting their doom.
At the end of their rope, South Africa is fidgeting and once again it’s the rhinos that get the short end of the stick. They are anesthetized, tossed around from Natural Park to private reserve, auctioned off, preventively mutilated and harassed. The fewer there are, the more they are mistreated and poached.