(Français) L’archipel des Tuamotu, Polynésie Française, au péril de 500 t de fioul et de 20.000 t de poudre de zinc

29 Jun 2018

(Français) L’archipel des Tuamotu, Polynésie Française, au péril de 500 t de fioul et de 20.000 t de poudre de zinc

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(Français) Le vent l’emportera

21 Jun 2018

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(Français) Gazons synthétiques

12 Jun 2018

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(Français) Collège Saint-Exupery, Vincennes

11 Jun 2018

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Beware of Gigantics !

4 Jun 2018

“If there was a first mistake, it was to think that a human creation was impervious to all forms of destruction, and the second was to be persuaded to also not develop a rescue solution in case of such a disaster,” says Pierre Bayard. “The Titanic will sink,” Editions de Minuit, Paris (France), October 2016.

Mega-cruisers like the MSC Meraviglia are the worst nightmare of maritime authorities and at-sea rescuers. Evacuating 7 to 8,000 people in case of a collision, fire, attack, or a shipwreck in high seas or at night is mission impossible. Ship owners do not even dare to practice this global drill in a sheltered and sunny bay. It is worth noting that in July 2016, Bermuda Islands, and in September 2016, 2 evacuation crewmen drills aboard the Norwegian Breakaway and the Harmony of the Seas (Marseille) have been marked by the sudden fall of 2 launchboats totalling 2 lives lost and 7 seriously injured.

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