(Français) Vous aussi, venez au secours des orangs-outans

25 May 2018

(Français) Vous aussi, venez au secours des orangs-outans

Only in French.

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“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

21 May 2018

“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
792 events from the 1th January to the 31 of March 2018
134 pages, 5 Mo
Seahorses, corals, abalones, giant clams, conches, sea cucumbers, sea urchins,  fishes, pages 4 to 18

Primates p. 56
It’s war on orangutans in Indonesia and Malaysia.

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“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

21 May 2018

“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin
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“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

21 May 2018

“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
792 events from the 1th January to the 31 of March 2018
134 pages, 5 Mo
Rhinoceroses, elephants, hippopotamuses and mammoths, pages 78 to 111

Primates p. 56
It’s war on orangutans in Indonesia and Malaysia.

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“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

21 May 2018

“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
792 events from the 1th January to the 31 of March 2018
pdf – 134 pages, 5 Mo
Whales and marine mammals, pages 18 to 20

Primates p. 56
It’s war on orangutans in Indonesia and Malaysia. The scientific report published in February in Current Biology established that between 1999 and 2015 nearly 150,000 specimens “disappeared” under pressure from palm oil, the

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