(Français) Taser pour les soles – n°3

20 Nov 2017

(Français) Taser pour les soles – n°3

Only in French.

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(Français) Votre école est-elle toxique (suite)

16 Nov 2017

Only in French.

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(Français) Prenez la défense des éléphants !

9 Nov 2017

(Français) Prenez la défense des éléphants !

Only in French.

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Robin des Bois shipyard is launching the Shipbreaking #49

26 Oct 2017

– Alert on knowingly wreckless towings of offshore platforms and discarded ships from Northern Europe to Turkey. The case of the two Maersk supply ships sunk off Brittany is dissected. Letter on this subject to the authorities concerned, including the two Maritime Prefects of the French Atlantic coast.

– The end of Shen Neng 1. In 2010, she polluted and degraded the Great Barrier Reef off Queensland, Australia, to gain 2 miles on a 4500-mile return voyage to China.

– The Rio Tagus has been stuck since 2010 or how the French government and the port of Sète are trying to get rid of a bulky wreck.

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Maersk trapped by radioactivity

24 Oct 2017

Maersk trapped by radioactivity

In accordance with a press release by Robin des Bois dated June 16, 2017 and with numerous prior reports in the NGO’s quarterly publication “Shipbreaking”, the Bangladesh Supreme Court has just banned the dismantling of the North Sea Producer, a former FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading), i. e. a floating plant used to refine and store crude oil extracted through offshore platforms.

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