“On the Trail” n°14 – 1st July – 30th September 2016

16 Nov 2016

“On the Trail” n°14 – 1st July – 30th September 2016

“On the Trail” n°14
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
n°14 / 1st July – 30th September 2016
112 pages (6.8 Mo)
Rhinoceroses, elephants and hippopotamuses,  pages 59 to 98

Bags stuffed with monkeys, turtles, pangolins, ivory and birds, cruelty and money go together. Countless victims of so-called sustainable palm oil. Scared eyes and rangers who die or bring up cubs on the bottle.
112 illustrated pages.

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“On the Trail” n°14 – 1st July – 30th September 2016

16 Nov 2016

“On the Trail” n°14 – 1st July – 30th September 2016

“On the Trail” n°14
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
n°14 / 1st July – 30th September 2016
112 pages (6.8 Mo)

Bags stuffed with monkeys, turtles, pangolins, ivory and birds, cruelty and money go together. Countless victims of so-called sustainable palm oil. Scared eyes and rangers who die or bring up cubs on the bottle.
112 illustrated pages.

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(Français) Des urnes dans les prisons

9 Nov 2016

Only in French.

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“Shipbreaking” #45, July 1 – September 30, 2016

3 Nov 2016

“Shipbreaking” #45, July 1 – September 30, 2016

“Shipbreaking” #45
Bulletin of information and analysis on ship demolition
from July 1 to September 30, 2016

– Update on ship demolition in Europe.
– The historical destinations.
– A supply vessel involved in the fight against the Olympic Bravery oil spill has left to be broken up.
– The hasty scrapping of container ships.
– Update on the Modern Express.
– Update on the disaster on Gadani ship dismantling beach (Pakistan).

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(Français) Enquête sur les déchets suite aux inondations et coulées de boue de 2016

2 Nov 2016

Only in French.

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