(Français) Avis environnemental à l’Elysée

26 May 2016

Only in French.

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(Français) Captain Tsarev : une démolition à la hussarde?

25 May 2016

Only in French.

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(Français) Avis sanitaire à la CGT

23 May 2016

(Français) Avis sanitaire à la CGT

Only in French.

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(Français) Avis sanitaire à la CGT

23 May 2016

(Français) Avis sanitaire à la CGT

Only in French.

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Departure of Saint-Nazaire of Monster of the Seas*

13 May 2016

Departure of Saint-Nazaire of Monster of the Seas*

Those who live in housing projects will not really be removed from their usual surroundings. The type of cruise ship that is Harmony of the Seas are apartment blocks. On land, the tendency is to their burst. At sea, they are considered as progress. 6,360 passengers are threatened by seasickness, gastroenteritis, and the crumbling of old fashioned decorations. They are serviced by 2,400 crew members of 70 nationalities living in tight quarters in the lower decks, similarly to the time of the Titanic.

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