“On the Trail” n°11

9 Mar 2016

“On the Trail” n°11

“On the Trail” n°11
The staggering world of wildlife poaching and smuggling
Quarterly Information and Analysis Bulletin
n°11: 1st October – 31th December 2015
100 pages of cruelty, corruption, courage, amazement, and beauty (6.6 Mo)

Discover caviar in a coffin, ivories in trailers and containers.
Explore the wigs and tailors networks.
Rescue vultures and worry about bears.

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The Modern Express: uprighted but not right

2 Mar 2016

The Modern Express was uprighted on February 22. “For the purposes of the investigation,” the Spanish authorities denied access to the experts, ship-owners, charterers and their representatives until February 26.

Technically speaking, the Modern Express is a roll-on roll-off ship -Pure Car and Truck Carrier- in other words, it is only used for transporting rolling stock.

The Modern Express was loaded with 3600 tons of timber (or 4089 tons according to other sources), divided into four types: okan, azobe, tali and construction machinery. The exotic timbers should have been unloaded in Le Havre and was meant to be sent to European companies.

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(Français) Bonne nouvelle : les chasseurs de baleine s’engueulent

26 Feb 2016

Only in French.

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(Français) Bonne nouvelle : les chasseurs de baleine s’engueulent

26 Feb 2016

Only in French.

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Modern Express: The burden of timber

8 Feb 2016

Press Release Modern Express no. 5.

According to her charterer, the Modern Express was carrying 3600 tons of sawn timber. The director of ERL France highlights that car and other rolling stock carriers are not adequate for the transportation of logs (1).

Are the vessels of the category of the Modern Express adapted to the transport of wood bundles? If timber bundles are not strapped and lashed properly in the garage decks, they can break off and tip over. Consequently, thousands of tons of sawn timber can accumulate at one side of the vessel and can induce an irreversible list.

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