Europe mixed up in the traffic of whale meat
The Winter Bay left Iceland on June 4 with a little less than 2000 tons of whale meat in destination to Japan. Iceland is with Norway the only country next to the European Union authorizing whaling.
The European Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora stipulates that Member States should prohibit the transport of specimens of all cetacean species living or dead or of by-products.
In fact, the Winter Bay came to be sold by its Norwegian ship-owner to a Latvian ship-owner, Aquaship Ltd. based in Riga. Latvia is a member of the European Union since 2004.
Well spotted !
Robin des Bois congratulates the Roissy airport customs for their large seizure of ivory from Democratic Republic of the Congo that had a destination of Vietnam (136 kg). The packages of “spare parts” definitely deserved to be targeted.
It is confirmed that Europe and France, contrary to preconceived ideas, are transit areas for the trafficking of ivory and other animal parts between Africa and Asia. The tusks weighing on average a dozen kilos come from breeding elephants whereas it is more common to see today tusks of 2 kg taken from elephants of 3-4 years.
Well spotted !
Robin des Bois congratulates the Roissy airport customs for their large seizure of ivory from Democratic Republic of the Congo that had a destination of Vietnam (136 kg). The packages of “spare parts” definitely deserved to be targeted.
It is confirmed that Europe and France, contrary to preconceived ideas, are transit areas for the trafficking of ivory and other animal parts between Africa and Asia. The tusks weighing on average a dozen kilos come from breeding elephants whereas it is more common to see today tusks of 2 kg taken from elephants of 3-4 years.