(Français) Raz la boîte

21 Feb 2014

(Français) Raz la boîte

Only in French.

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(Français) Lapte (43) : un village en danger

20 Feb 2014

(Français) Lapte (43) : un village en danger

Only in French.

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(Français) Lapte (43) : un village en danger

20 Feb 2014

(Français) Lapte (43) : un village en danger

Only in French.

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(Français) Luno, un TK Bremen à l’envers

18 Feb 2014

(Français) Luno, un TK Bremen à l’envers

Only in French.

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Ship-breaking # 34

14 Feb 2014

Ship-breaking # 34

Ship-breaking # 34, Robin des Bois’s bulletin of information and analysis on ship demolition.

Overview November-December 2013.

Shock photos of the beaching for demolition of an ex tanker on Gadani Beach, Pakistan.

– The beaching of Luno in Bayonne, the TK Bremen the other way round (Lorient, 2011).

– The Port of Sète is scrapping reluctantly.

– The awful story of a Lebanese cattle carrier

– The German gas tankers choose Alang as ultimate Bay of Refuge.

– Rosatom is saving Sevmorput,-the Russian nuclear-powered cargo ship- from demolition.

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