(Français) Sauvez les vieilles dames ! n°2

27 Dec 2012

(Français) Sauvez les vieilles dames !  n°2

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Save the old ladies!

18 Dec 2012

Save the old ladies!

The decision to put to death two Asian elephants from the Golden Head Zoo (zoo de la Tête d’Or) in Lyon, France, would be tainted with illegality and cruelty.

Each year, thousands of elephants are put to death in Africa and Asia as a result of illegal ivory trade and the regression of their natural habitats. The execution of these two elephants, aged 42 and 43, can be added to that number. These elephants have reached a very respectable age for the elephantine species; only a small number of specimens in the wild have in this period the chance to grow as old.

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(Français) Un gros poisson dans les filets de la justice à Cherbourg

14 Dec 2012

Only in French.

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(Français) 13 associations exhortent la France à s’opposer au commerce international des ours polaires et de leurs parties

13 Dec 2012

Only in French.

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(Français) 13 associations exhortent la France à s’opposer au commerce international des ours polaires et de leurs parties

13 Dec 2012

Only in French.

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