Whales Sandwiched by IWC
An array of contradictory propositions is on the table of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in Agadir.
The propositions are presumably to help the IWC to abscond the stagnation and the status quo that certain involved parties—NGO’s and member states—have criticized. “The implosion” of the commission is waved year after year as a scarecrow. What if it was the opposite! Outside the convention, Japan could no longer put forward article 8 authorizing hunting for scientific ends and would be clearly the only pirate in the Antarctic or other sanctuaries where their fleet dares to hunt whales.
Should Europe pay for the resumption of Whaling ?
The 62nd plenary session of the International Whaling Commission will be held in Agadir from June 21st to 25th. The fate of a surrealistic and double-dealing compromise will be decided there, that would confirm for 10 years Japanese, Norwegian and Icelandic whaling, from the Arctic to Antarctica. This document, a hybrid product of dialogue between a few IWC member states, includes target-species such as Fin whales, Minke whales, Humpback whales, Southern Right Whales, Bryde whales, Sei whales and Sperm whales. Of course, the return of hunting will be stamped and certified by the presence of observers aboard the whaling fleets. They will not work for charity. Their official salary is billed to the IWC and contributions made by European member states will grow from 800.000 to 1.500.000 euros per year altogether. Efforts will be made and financed too so as that whales be not exposed during capture and killing to unneeded pain. All is done to ensure the well-being of the whales while they are speared.