Coordinated plan to reduce litter – 2009

17 May 2008

Coordinated plan to reduce litter – 2009
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Open letter about a secret

13 May 2008

“Public archives may not be consulted if their disclosure is likely to result in the dissemination of information enabling the design, manufacture use or location of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons or any other weapons with direct or indirect destructive effects of a similar level”.

This paragraph, insidiously slipped into the middle of the bill on reforming access to archives currently being examined by the Senate and the National Assembly, undermines the safety and security of future generations, the regulatory framework on polluted sites and the “Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction”.

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Europe is exporting wastes to Bangladesh

9 May 2008

The single hull oil tanker Muadi owned by the French society PERENCO has just been sold for demolition to Bangladesh for 695 $ per ton. Built in 1972, the Muadi (ex-Beatrix Voyager, ex-Chevron Zenith, ex-Afran Zenith, ex-La Nina) was converted in 1982 into a FSO Floating Storage and Offloading unit and was used until recently off Congo. This activity generates in the tanks and in the piping significant quantities of sediments and accumulates gases; these gases are susceptible to deadly explosions during the demolition. Such accidents have been recorded during the past years in Bangladesh.

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(Français) Marée noire dans l’estuaire de la Loire , reportage photos – 2008

7 May 2008

(Français) Marée noire dans l’estuaire de la Loire , reportage photos – 2008
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(Français) La pêche de plaisance est-elle compatible avec le fair play ?

5 May 2008

Only in French.

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