(Français) La plaie des friches industrielles

29 Apr 2024

(Français) La plaie des friches industrielles

Only in French.

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(Français) La plaie des friches industrielles

29 Apr 2024

(Français) La plaie des friches industrielles

Only in French.

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Fireworks: they are playing dead

26 Apr 2024

Press release n°2

It’s almost dead calm on the front line, after Robin des Bois’ alert on the Normandy sham (1) – 95 km of coastline plunged in the fumes and rockets of some twenty synchronised fireworks displays in a supposed tribute to all the soldiers Ryan and Coleman who landed on the sand on June 6, 1944 before breaking through the jungle in the “bocage”.

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Fireworks: they are playing dead

26 Apr 2024

Press release n°2

It’s almost dead calm on the front line, after Robin des Bois’ alert on the Normandy sham (1) – 95 km of coastline plunged in the fumes and rockets of some twenty synchronised fireworks displays in a supposed tribute to all the soldiers Ryan and Coleman who landed on the sand on June 6, 1944 before breaking through the jungle in the “bocage”.

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Nuclear security – briefing note

25 Apr 2024

Nuclear security – briefing note

1. Departing St Petersburg, Russia, on 29 February 2024 bound for Philadelphia, USA, the Atlantic Navigator II made an unscheduled stop in Rostock, Germany, on 4 March due to damage to its propeller.

She left Rostock on 19 April after repairs and a customs inspection. This multipurpose cargo ship is carrying 241 containers of birch plywood from the exploitation of Arctic forests and enriched uranium.

Despite the war in Ukraine and tensions between the United States of America and the Russian Federation, trade in nuclear materials has not stopped, and Russian enriched uranium continues to supply fuel for some American nuclear power stations.

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