(Français) Sur le front de l’anti-éolien offshore

25 Sep 2021

(Français) Sur le front de l’anti-éolien offshore

Only in French.

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(Français) Les incendies à la loupe – Normandie

23 Sep 2021

(Français) Les incendies à la loupe – Normandie

Only in French.

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(Français) Soutien aux manifestations des pêcheurs professionnels à Cherbourg et au Havre demain 24 septembre 2021

23 Sep 2021

(Français) Soutien aux manifestations des pêcheurs professionnels à Cherbourg et au Havre demain 24 septembre 2021

Only in French.

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(Français) Nitrate d’ammonium, entre amnistie et amnésie

17 Sep 2021

Only in French.

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55 days on the run

15 Sep 2021

Since arriving off Sri Lanka on August 27, the former Panamanian Odeep One, now the Saint Kitts and Nevis-flagged Deep One, has become a straying ship. She is wandering in the Indian Ocean, successively heading east, west, north, south and drifting. Her owner no longer seems to know what to do with her. The Deep One does not leave international waters. Currently, her theoretical destination is Singapore. She has been at sea for 55 days and has sailed almost 10,000 km.

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