78 EU-approved livestock carriers – June 2021

17 Jun 2021

78 EU-approved livestock carriers – June 2021

The report “78 EU-approved livestock carriers” written by Robin des Bois in partnership with the NGOs Animal Welfare Foundation and Tierschutzbund Zürich is more than damning. It is sharp.

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Like beasts in substandard ships

17 Jun 2021

Like beasts in substandard ships

The report “78 EU-approved livestock carriers” written by Robin des Bois in partnership with the NGOs Animal Welfare Foundation and Tierschutzbund Zürich is more than damning. It is sharp.

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Like beasts in substandard ships

17 Jun 2021

Like beasts in substandard ships

The report “78 EU-approved livestock carriers” written by Robin des Bois in partnership with the NGOs Animal Welfare Foundation and Tierschutzbund Zürich is more than damning. It is sharp.

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(Français) Marées noires en Corse et en Bretagne

16 Jun 2021

Only in French.

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Record turtle seizure in Burkina Faso

11 Jun 2021

Record turtle seizure in Burkina Faso

On Tuesday, June 8, 555 juvenile African spurred tortoises were rescued from international trafficking by customs officers in Koudougou, Boulkiemdé province. They were hidden in the baggage compartment of a bus travelling between Bamako in Mali and Lomé in Togo. They were placed in wooden crates, cardboard boxes and canvas and plastic bags. False CITES permits accompanied the shipment. CITES is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The African spurred tortoises are listed in Appendix II. Their international trade is still allowed. Export permits are required. The seizure is the result of cooperation between Mali Customs and Burkina Faso Customs.

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