“On the Trail” n°24 – the defaunation bulletin

13 Nov 2019

“On the Trail” n°24 – the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail“ n°24, the defaunation bulletin
(pdf, 94 pages – 8.6 Mo)

Information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
from the 1st February
to the 31 of March 2019
590 poaching, smuggling and rescue cases

11 dead persons: 4 rangers, 1 civilian and 6 poachers

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(Français) Ubu TEX

5 Nov 2019

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(Français) Ubu TEX

5 Nov 2019

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(Français) Ubu TEX

5 Nov 2019

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(Français) Communiqué Lubrizol n°7

22 Oct 2019

Only in French.

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