
(Français) Le décret éthylotest à la poubelle !

15 Nov 2012

Only in French.

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(Français) L’EUROPE, Prix Nobel de la guerre !

9 Nov 2012

Only in French.

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(Français) Les nouveaux risques pyrotechniques de Toulouse

31 Oct 2012

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Waiting for the bomb squad – War Remains Inventory from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2011

31 Aug 2012

Waiting for the bomb squad – War Remains Inventory from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2011


The unsettling truths – The battlefields of northern and eastern France – Old weapons kill – Old weapons pollute – Old weapons harm flora and fauna – Chemical weapons
War Remains Inventory from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2011 with maps:
Franche-Comté Region
Alsace Region
Lorraine Region
Champagne-Ardenne Region
Ile-de-France Region
Picardie Region
Nord – Pas-de-Calais Region
Summary map


War remnants do not have a course.  Old weapons kill, pollute, and are the enemies of biodiversity.  Following their previous research, Robin des Bois has published a new inventory of weapons discovered in the 7 regions in the north and east of France, casualties of the wars of 1870, 1941-18, and 1939-45.

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(Français) Incendie et pollution

21 Aug 2012

Only in French.

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(Français) Incendies en Russie

1 Aug 2012

Only in French.

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(Français) Gestion responsable des éthylotests usagés

12 Jul 2012

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Caution : fire risk !

10 Jul 2012

Robin des Bois and GEIDE post-disaster


attention-au-feu-RobinDesBois-2012Nobody can be blamed for the outbreak and consequences of earthquakes of large magnitude. For forest fires, it’s a different story. Only the lightning escapes human responsibility. Man is the cause of more than 9 out of 10 forest fires.

Barbecues, gas stoves, cigarettes, motorcycle incursions, quadbikes or other vehicles with internal combustion engines, campfires, fireworks and combustible wastes are all risks of fire in an environment that is vulnerable to conflagration. A spark can ignite thousands of acres and a small fire can in a few seconds become uncontrollable.

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(Français) Pour la culture du risque

20 Jun 2012

(Français) Pour la culture du risque

Only in French.

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(Français) Traverses : l’empoisonnement perdure

6 Jun 2012

Only in French.

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