
(Français) Les vieux pneus enflamment Bellac, Haute-Vienne

7 Jul 2017

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(Français) Inondat Nec Soucitur

26 May 2017

(Français) Inondat Nec Soucitur

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(Français) Atlas de la France Toxique: Scandale à Bolbec-Normandie

28 Mar 2017

(Français) Atlas de la France Toxique:  Scandale à Bolbec-Normandie

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OSPAR loses the Arctic

22 Mar 2017

OSPAR loses the Arctic


OSPAR comes from the fusion in 1992 of the Paris Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources and the Oslo Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by navy and aircraft immersion operations. The latter was initiated following the shock of the oil spill from the Torrey Canyon March 18, 1967.
OSPAR is dedicated to the protection of the northeast Atlantic Ocean. It is a pilot fish. The work of its 5 committees – Biodiversity, Offshore Industry, Radioactive Substances, Environmental Impact of Human Activities, Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication – allows better understanding and combat of the many pressures on marine ecosystems from the open sea of Portugal to the Arctic Ocean. This success is notably materialized by a quality status report without concession of the OSPAR zone in 2010 (1). Seven years later, the OSPAR pilot fish is threatened of asphyxia by the Arctic countries. Robin des Bois has returned from the Biodiversity and Offshore Industry committees which gathered in Berlin and in Oslo the first two weeks of March.

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(Français) Que sont-elles devenues ?

15 Dec 2016

(Français) Que sont-elles devenues ?

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(Français) La pollution au nom de Le Corbusier

22 Jul 2016

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(Français) Groningue, Verdun, Hiroshima : villes jumelées

27 May 2016

(Français) Groningue, Verdun, Hiroshima : villes jumelées

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(Français) Avis environnemental à l’Elysée

26 May 2016

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Panama Papers in Brest

15 Apr 2016

Panama Papers in Brest

The Captain Tsarev has been rusting for 7 and a half years in basin n°5 of the commercial port of Brest. Built in 1982 in Lübeck (Germany), 153.60m in length, the ship suffered an engine failure and was towed to the Brittany port in November 2008. She never left. The crew has not been paid, 15 of the 24 Russian and Ukranian crew members disembarked in February 2009, the others remained on board until September 2009. The Captain Tsarev has been visited, pillaged, squatted, and suffered a fire in September 2014. The Russian ship-owner based in Piraeus (Greece) no longer gives any sign of life. The vessel is a dump. She contains 4 to 500 t of extinguishing water following the fire, asbestos and 5 to 600 t of fuel. She flies the Panama flag.

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(Français) Lâchers de ballons : non !

3 Dec 2015

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