
(Français) Lâchers de ballons : non !

3 Dec 2015

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(Français) Kermaroc n°2

10 Nov 2015

(Français) Kermaroc n°2

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(Français) Kermaroc

23 Oct 2015

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(Français) Alerte aux carrelets toxiques en Charente-Maritime

18 Feb 2015

(Français) Alerte aux carrelets toxiques en Charente-Maritime

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Cosmos 954 downfalls

23 Jan 2015

Cosmos 954 downfalls

 Nuclear Code of Silence

Thirty-seven years ago, the Russian nuclear powered satellite Cosmos 954 returned to Earth during its 2060th revolution. Its debris crashed on the Canadian Far North close to the Arctic. It was the 24th of January 1978, 11h53 Universal Time, 5h53 at Yellowknife on the banks of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories Canada.

The decade 1970-1980 is marked by the worldwide launch of nuclear-based electricity. It is the height of the Atoms for Peace campaign launched in the 1950s to erase the horrors of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Nuclear for all is on the way.

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(Français) CITRON, les affreux du recyclage

12 Nov 2014

(Français) CITRON, les affreux du recyclage
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(Français) Berlin : pollution imminente !

7 Nov 2014

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Müllhimmel über Berlin

6 Nov 2014


Die mit Sitz in Paris NGO Robin des Bois (Robin Hood ) erfährt, dass für das 25.Gedenken an den Berliner Mauerfall um 19 Uhr am Sonntag 9. November 8000 leuchtende Luftballons in den Himmel aufsteigen werden.

Diese Initiative ist eine Ökologische Katastrophe.Diese 8000 durch die Windströmungen angetriebene Abfälle werden sich zerstückeln und den Wetterbedingungen gemäss in der natürlichen Umwelt, in den Wälder, in der Nordsee oder Ostsee landen. Die Ballonstücke werden von Vögel, Fische und Meeressäugetiere eingenommen. Die Schlingen können die Tiere verstümmeln.

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(Français) Vive les décharges !

6 Oct 2014

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The Cape Ray arrives in Northern Europe

20 Aug 2014

The US Navy chemical factory ship will in the coming days proceed into the Atlantic Ocean and the Bay of Biscay heading towards the North sea.

The Cape Ray is loaded with 6000 tons of chemical aqueous and solid waste issued from the neutralization in the Mediterranean Sea of 560 tons of precursors of the Syrian chemical weapons.

The Cape Ray mission was carried out from July 9th to August 18th. It consisted in diluting precursors of sarin (540t) and of sulfur mustard agent (20t) pulled out of the Syrian territory. Only laconic communiqués from the Pentagon have dotted this sea run neutralization. No circumstantial account of weather conditions, ship spottings, technical uncertainties, air release has been published.

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