Elephants and Ivories

En 1986, Robin des Bois publie « Eléphants et ivoire végétal ». Un an plus tard, une élégante bande d’éléphants masqués tout droit sortis d’Art Déco et de Sherwood envahit les trafiquants d’ivoire à Paris. En 1988 les éléphants masqués saluent à Lausanne la décision d’interdire le commerce international de l’ivoire. Une victoire colossale. En 1997, le cartel de l’ivoire réussit à rouvrir les vannes du commerce international. Une défaite abyssale. C’était à Harare capitale du Zimbabwe. Le journal gouvernemental titre « L’Afrique australe gagne la guerre de l’ivoire ». Robin des Bois répond par « Harare humanum est ». De cette erreur, les éléphants ne se remettent pas.

Beijing 2008 : rings made of ivory

31 Jul 2008

Beijing 2008 : rings made of ivory

On 16th July, 2008 in Geneva, three weeks before the opening of the Olympic Games, China was given authorization to act as a commercial licensed partner within the legal elephant ivory traffic. Thus, the biggest black market for ivory in the world will consolidate its position. Thousands of ivory retailers throughout China can hold their heads up high as they cooly welcomed the tourists of olympic games. Within a couple of months according to the CITES program (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), the price of 108 t of ivory stocks auctionned by South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe is expected to increase after China’s accreditation, Japan being till now the only legal candidate. As a matter of fact, little legal ivory is sufficient to launder a lot of illicit ivory and there is no doubt the price of ivory will skyrocket after China’s entry into ivory stock exchange.

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(Français) Principales décisions de la 14ème CITES

15 Jun 2007

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(Français) L’Afrique solidaire, l’éléphant s’impose

14 Jun 2007

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The Heat is on the Elephants

6 Jun 2007

The 14th meeting, Conference of the Parties of the Washington Convention on International trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora at The Hague (Netherlands), 3-15 June 2007

Even though he has been asked to support the moratorium on international ivory trading, M. Juppé, State Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development assured in a Press Release on June 4th that « France will continue to pledge its relentless support in the fight against poaching and illegal trading of elephant ivory. »

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(Français) Le poing sur les Eléphants

4 Jun 2007

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(Français) Clôture à Bangkok

14 Oct 2004

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(Français) Bangkok: on achève bien les éléphants

11 Oct 2004

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(Français) Ivoire.com

8 Oct 2004

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(Français) Un pacifique entre deux guerres

29 Sep 2004

Only in French.

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(Français) Utimes décisions

15 Nov 2002

Only in French.

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