
S’il a de la chance, l’oiseau n’est pas englué, n’est pas mitraillé, ne s’écrase pas contre les vitres des gratte-ciels, n’est pas désorienté pas les îlots lumineux des plateformes en mer, n’est pas ingéré ou décapité par une éolienne. L’oiseau est au carrefour des insecticides, des routes, des lignes électriques et de la déforestation. Les oiseaux mangent trop souvent des baies rouges de plastique et des fragments bleus de latex. La disparition progressive des oiseaux prive la Terre de ses plus belles musiques.

“On the Trail” n°25 – the defaunation bulletin

9 Jan 2020

“On the Trail” n°25 – the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail“ n°25
the defaunation bulletin
pdf, 124 pages – 10.8 Mo
Birds, pages 38 to 49

The true novel of poaching and smuggling around the world
924 events from the 1st April to the 30 of June 2019

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“On the Trail” n°24 – the defaunation bulletin

13 Nov 2019

“On the Trail” n°24 – the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail“ n°24, the defaunation bulletin
(pdf, 94 pages – 8.6 Mo)
Birds, pages 38 to 49

Information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
from the 1st February
to the 31 of March 2019
590 poaching, smuggling and rescue cases

11 dead persons: 4 rangers, 1 civilian and 6 poachers

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“On the Trail“ n°23, the defaunation bulletin

5 Aug 2019

“On the Trail“ n°23, the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail“ n°23, the defaunation bulletin
(pdf, 166 pages – 13.6 Mo)
Birds, pages 39 to 62

Information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
from the 1st October 2018 to the 31 of January 2019
1112 poaching, smuggling and rescue casese

16 dead persons: 10 rangers, 2 civilians and 4 poachers

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“On the Trail“ n°22, the defaunation bulletin

29 Nov 2018

“On the Trail“ n°22, the defaunation bulletin
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“On the Trail” n°21, the defaunation bulletin

31 Jul 2018

“On the Trail” n°21, the defaunation bulletin

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
792 events from the 1th April to the 30 of June 2018
124 pages, 4,7 Mo

Birds, pages 27 to 43

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“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

21 May 2018

“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin
Lire la suite

“On the Trail” n°19

26 Feb 2018

“On the Trail” n°19
Lire la suite

“On the Trail” n°18

24 Nov 2017

“On the Trail” n°18
Lire la suite

“On the Trail” n°17

1 Aug 2017

“On the Trail” n°17
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“On the Trail” n°16

19 May 2017

“On the Trail” n°16

“On the Trail” n°16, information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
697 events from the 1st January to the 31 of March 2017
116 illustrated pages
Birds, pages 28 to 36

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