
“On the Trail“ n°23, the defaunation bulletin

5 Aug 2019

“On the Trail“ n°23, the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail“ n°23, the defaunation bulletin
(pdf, 166 pages – 13.6 Mo)
Birds, pages 39 to 62

Information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
from the 1st October 2018 to the 31 of January 2019
1112 poaching, smuggling and rescue casese

16 dead persons: 10 rangers, 2 civilians and 4 poachers

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“On the Trail“ n°23, the defaunation bulletin

5 Aug 2019

“On the Trail“ n°23, the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail“ n°23, the defaunation bulletin
(pdf, 166 pages – 13.6 Mo)
Rhinoceroses, elephants and mammoths, pages 100 to 136

Information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
from the 1st October 2018 to the 31 of January 2019
1112 poaching, smuggling and rescue casese

16 dead persons: 10 rangers, 2 civilians and 4 poachers

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(Français) Risques dans le Parc de la Pendjari

14 May 2019

(Français) Risques dans le Parc de la Pendjari

Only in French.

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France and Elephants

13 Mar 2019

France and Elephants

The French president is in Nairobi for the One Planet Summit. Robin des Bois’ director asked him to support the proposal of Kenya and the African Elephant Coalition countries in favour of CITES Appendix I banning all international trade in ivory. The next CITES plenary session will take place in Sri Lanka from 23 May to 3 June 2019.

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Trash cows

18 Feb 2019

All the studies agree. Cows grazing grass, eating hay and corn silage swallow metal and plastic waste. These ingestions cause tumors, infections, fatal diseases.

In France, Interbev (Interprofessional Livestock and Meat) estimates that 60,000 large bovines suffer from tumours and infections caused by the accumulation of waste in their rumens. These 60,000 victims have been partially or totally seized from slaughterhouses and in the later case, the meat was not at all marketed. It is likely that the number of cows affected by this “waste disease” is higher than the official figure, and that deaths before arrival at the slaughterhouse are not quantified. The symptoms of “waste disease” are not specific and can be misattributed by farmers and veterinarians to other maladies.

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(Français) Pêche électrique

14 Feb 2019

(Français) Pêche électrique

Only in French.

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(Français) Le Japon pirate

26 Dec 2018

(Français) Le Japon pirate

Only in French.

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“On the Trail“ n°22, the defaunation bulletin

29 Nov 2018

“On the Trail“ n°22, the defaunation bulletin
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“On the Trail“ n°22, the defaunation bulletin

29 Nov 2018

“On the Trail“ n°22, the defaunation bulletin

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
from the 1th July to the 30 of September 2018
828 poaching, smuggling and rescue cases
(pdf, 127 pages – 2.8 Mo)
Seahorses, corals, abalones, giant clams, conches, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and fishes, pages 4 to 15

14 dead persons : 6 rangers, 8 poachers

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“On the Trail“ n°22, the defaunation bulletin

29 Nov 2018

“On the Trail“ n°22, the defaunation bulletin

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
from the 1th July to the 30 of September 2018
828 poaching, smuggling and rescue cases
(pdf, 127 pages – 2.8 Mo)
Rhinoceroses, elephants and hippopotamuses, pages 74 and 77 to 102

14 dead persons : 6 rangers, 8 poachers

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