
(Français) Un sursis de 2h pour les éléphants

3 Oct 2016

Only in French.

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The chameleon WWF

29 Sep 2016

Press release n°2

CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
17th Conference of the Parties. Johannesburg – South Africa
September 24 to October 5, 2016

– With a flurry of mailings and pathetic declarations, the WWF floods the world with calls for help to save elephants. The surface speech is in red and black tones as it should, emotionally correct, touching its members and supporters.

– Behind the scenes of ministries and conventions, the WWF has been campaigning for 26 years so that the legal ivory trade remains ajar. The WWF has its foot in the door and does not pull out. To the bloodshed and cruelty of poaching, the WWF wants to add the poison of legal trade and opposes to the return of all elephant populations in Appendix I of CITES, which would ban international ivory trade. Unfortunately, this murky speech is taken over by the majority of countries of the European Union, Belgium and Germany in the lead.

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Surging European Union Ivory Exports

26 Sep 2016

Surging European Union Pre-CITES Convention* Ivory Exports to Hong Kong A Cause for Concern

South Africa, 27 September 2016 – As delegates from all around the world deliberate on the future of wildlife, including elephants, at the CITES CoP17 wildlife trade conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, recently obtained data from the Hong Kong government show significant imports of ivory from the European Union to Hong Kong SAR of the People’s Republic of China with a total tonnage of over 7 tonnes. Moreover, the number of worked ivory pieces entering Hong Kong shot up by a dramatic 685%. In 2014, the total number of worked ivory pieces entering Hong Kong from the European Union was 1,572 pieces, but this leapt dramatically to 10,761 worked ivory pieces in 2015.

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CITES CoP17. Johannesburg – Press release n°1

23 Sep 2016

Press release n ° 1 – Opening

CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
17th Conference of the Parties. Johannesburg – South Africa
September 24 to October 5, 2016

Ivories from elephant and mammoth will be on the table with hornbill red ivory, pangolin scales, tiger and lion bones, psychedelic gecko, banggai cardinal fish and peregrine falcons…

Rosewoods traffickings will be viewed with a magnifying glass. Chainsaws will haunt the hallways.

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“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

21 Sep 2016

“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

Special Edition – 17th meeting of the CITES

For 3 years, the NGO Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) has been publishing in French and in English the quarterly bulletin “On the Trail“ on the poaching  and smuggling of animal  species  threatened  with  extinction. Information come from a thousand sources, institutions, local medias and NGOs on the spot throughout the world. Each event is analyzed, related with a maximum of practical details and further developments are traced through time.

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“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

21 Sep 2016

“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

Special Edition – 17th meeting of the CITES

For 3 years, the NGO Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) has been publishing in French and in English the quarterly bulletin “On the Trail“ on the poaching  and smuggling of animal  species  threatened  with  extinction. Information come from a thousand sources, institutions, local medias and NGOs on the spot throughout the world. Each event is analyzed, related with a maximum of practical details and further developments are traced through time.

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“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

21 Sep 2016

“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

Special Edition – 17th meeting of the CITES

For 3 years, the NGO Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) has been publishing in French and in English the quarterly bulletin “On the Trail“ on the poaching  and smuggling of animal  species  threatened  with  extinction. Information come from a thousand sources, institutions, local medias and NGOs on the spot throughout the world. Each event is analyzed, related with a maximum of practical details and further developments are traced through time.

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“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

21 Sep 2016

“On  the  Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

Special Edition – 17th meeting of the CITES

For 3 years, the NGO Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) has been publishing in French and in English the quarterly bulletin “On  the  Trail“ on the poaching  and smuggling of animal  species  threatened  with  extinction. Information come from a thousand sources, institutions, local medias and NGOs on the spot throughout the world. Each event is analyzed, related with a maximum of practical details and further developments are traced through time.

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“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

21 Sep 2016

“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

Special Edition – 17th meeting of the CITES

For 3 years, the NGO Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) has been publishing in French and in English the quarterly bulletin “On the Trail“ on the poaching  and smuggling of animal  species  threatened  with  extinction. Information come from a thousand sources, institutions, local medias and NGOs on the spot throughout the world. Each event is analyzed, related with a maximum of practical details and further developments are traced through time.

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“On the Trail” n°13 – 1st April – 30th June 2016

29 Jul 2016

“On the Trail” n°13 – 1st April – 30th June 2016

“On the Trail” n°13
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
n°13 / 1st April – 30th June 2016
116 pages (8.2 Mo)

Seahorses, sea cucumbers, abalones and corals, pages 3 to 8

– Corruption and violence go together. Both diseases are contagious. They are growing larger and larger and take root. Police, armies, rangers, airport officers are stricken. 19 known dead men among the poachers and the rangers and other law defenders during the last 3 months.
– Ensnaring and poisoning are on the increase.
– The smuggling tracks are shifting and sometimes surprising. Ex: Ivory from the United States of America to Kenya.
– Global turtles’ black market is on the rise. Until $ 10,000 US per unit.
Hippopotamus ivory is settling down as a substitute to elephant ivory.
Bad luck for them. It’s a newly rumored that the geckos can cure AIDS.
– One of long drug is coming back in the news: the venom of scorpion.
– Mistreated wildlife is on view on social network and the internet.
– The strengthening of sanctions after poaching and smuggling is notable.

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