
(Français) Le salon nautique a trop la pêche

5 Dec 2007

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(Français) Dioxines Bretagne et Pays de la Loire

21 Aug 2007

Only in French.

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(Français) Principales décisions de la 14ème CITES

15 Jun 2007

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(Français) L’Afrique solidaire, l’éléphant s’impose

14 Jun 2007

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The Heat is on the Elephants

6 Jun 2007

The 14th meeting, Conference of the Parties of the Washington Convention on International trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora at The Hague (Netherlands), 3-15 June 2007

Even though he has been asked to support the moratorium on international ivory trading, M. Juppé, State Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development assured in a Press Release on June 4th that « France will continue to pledge its relentless support in the fight against poaching and illegal trading of elephant ivory. »

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(Français) Le poing sur les Eléphants

4 Jun 2007

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(Français) Projet de delphinarium à Port-Saint-Père (44)

17 Jul 2006

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(Français) Baleines : elles ne sont pas encore dans leur assiette

20 Jun 2006

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(Français) Un chasseur de baleine arrêté en Nouvelle-Calédonie

16 Jun 2006

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(Français) La France à l’heure des baleines dans la Caraïbe

29 May 2006

Only in French.

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