Plundering, Trade and Cruelty

Vivants ou morts, entiers ou en morceaux, les animaux sauvages sont une marchandise ordinaire à vendre au plus offrant jusqu’à l’extinction de l’espèce. Les réseaux criminels s’enracinent, s’enrichissent et se mondialisent. La faune est traquée pour décorer, habiller, faire bander, guérir, divertir et se nourrir. Un cauchemar. Depuis juillet 2013, Robin des Bois publie « A la Trace », trimestriel unique sur le braconnage et la contrebande de la faune sauvage, sur les risques sanitaire du commerce international et sa cruauté. La disparition progressive de la faune sauvage prive la Terre de ses plus belles couleurs.

Polar Bears: Left Out in the Cold

5 Feb 2013

The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a marine mammal that lives off of the other marine mammals inhabiting the artic ice pack, and the surrounding ice flows and ocean. The polar bear is thus an excellent swimmer. The artic ice pack, home of the polar bear, is disappearing. The vulnerability and mortal risks faced by polar bears are increasing.

The polar bear, beloved by many, has become the martyr employed by governments and NGOs to symbolize the fight against global warming. It has become a fundraising symbol and a top-model.

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(Français) 13 associations exhortent la France à s’opposer au commerce international des ours polaires et de leurs parties

13 Dec 2012

Only in French.

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(Français) Pêche à pied : 108, 112, 116, les coefficients du déferlement

25 Aug 2011

Only in French.

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The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora about to be reborn as the WTO (World Trade Organization)

25 Mar 2010

The 15th conference of the parties of CITES has just ended in Doha. The porbeagle shark was put back on the table following the intervention of Singapore, which believed that there had been technical problems with the first vote. The debates were evaded by a procedural trick and the proposal passed directly to vote. The proposal was rejected by three votes. Iceland, candidate to join the European Union, and Japan, which will host the Conference for Biodiversity next October, in showing the best intentions in the world, warmly hugged each other in the middle of the conference room to congratulate themselves on this failure of Europe and the protectors of sharks. Associations such as the Japan Fisheries Association quickly left to celebrate the result of intense lobbying. Installed to protect endangered species of wild fauna and flora from the excesses of international trade, CITES has progressively become a convention of the protection of trade. The delegate from Guinea summarized yesterday in plenary an analysis of a lot of the participants: “My comment is very bitter; I notice after having carefully listened to the debates that economic considerations dominate the environmental vision.” Decisions on marine species confirmed that the sea is considered by the international community as a reservoir for food, healing and decoration, but when it is time to protect it, it’s almost deserted, just like around Doha.

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Madagascar, Dynastes satanas, spiny tailed lizard, Kaiser’s spotted newt, coral

18 Mar 2010

News in brief:

Bluefin tuna: The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas is not opposed to the listing of bluefin tuna in Appendix 2, and Australia has declared itself favorable to the idea; more to follow…

Polar bear: You can continue to purchase polar bear rugs and purses. The proposal of the United States to list it in Appendix 1 was rejected this morning. The European Union, the largest importer, contributed to this rejection. It was joined by Canada, Norway and Iceland. Polar bears, threatened by pollution in the Arctic, oil spills, ecotourism and the retreating ice shelf, are spending more and more time on land to find food; they are therefore more and more exposed to hunting. This icon of global warming was cut down in Qatar due to roadblocks of haggling and inertia. The European Union, as always talkative, “doesn’t want to isolate the case of the polar bear from an ambitious policy against global warming.”

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Rosewood tree, African elephant, polar bear and Mariana mallard

14 Mar 2010

The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties of CITES, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora will take place in Doha, Qatar, from the 13th to 25th of March 2010. As with every precedent session since 1989, Robin des Bois will attend.

Currently at CITES there are 175 Parties. Decisions are based on a majority vote of 2/3. Appendix I bans international trade, Appendix II regulates trade and Appendix III is linked to an individual Party decision who asks other CITES Parties for assistance in controlling the trade. Robin des Bois’s summary of the previous CITES session is available on line at the following link (pdf in French).

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(Français) Principales décisions de la 14ème CITES

15 Jun 2007

Only in French.

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(Français) Clôture à Bangkok

14 Oct 2004

Only in French.

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(Français) La Flèche n°35

1 Dec 1999

Only in French.

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(Français) La Flèche n°34

3 Oct 1999

Only in French.

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