Fishes and Shellfishes

Détraqués et traqués, ils sont sous pression. Le pillage commence sur l’estran avec la pêche à pied de loisir et s’étend en haute mer. L’effort de pêche est de plus en plus violent et se radicalise. L’Union Européenne n’hésite plus à électrocuter la mer pour faire sortir les soles des fonds. Les poissons sauvages sont réduits en farine pour nourrir des poissons d’élevage. Les aires de reproduction et de nourrissage sont détruites. Certaines huîtres sont des OGM. Robin des Bois embarque, informe, interpelle, pèse dans les Conventions internationales et incite toutes les parties prenantes à réfléchir avant d’agir.

A fine kettle of fish

18 Mar 2010

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
CITES 2010 – Doha
Press release n°5

Bluefin tuna will not be listed in the CITES appendices, not in appendix 1, not in appendix 2, not in anything at all. Monaco’s proposal was sunk in less than 3 hours following a flurry of objections and the agitated speech of Libya, which asked for the premature closure to the debates while waving a threatening finger at the assembly. The amendments that Spain, on behalf of the member countries of the European Community, had the time to present will not suffice, perhaps even to the contrary. Raising procedural questions, the amendments have had the ability since several days ago to put a number of parties on edge, by highlighting that the European Union is ill-placed to pose as a protector of tuna, when it was so late in promoting serious measures within the specialized convention, ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas). Several speakers argued that while rich countries could compensate their fishermen and pay for exit plans for their fleets, this was not the case for developing countries.

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Bluefin tuna and sharks

16 Mar 2010

Bluefin tuna and sharks

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
CITES 2010 – Doha
Press release n°2

News in brief:

For a French ecologist who is accustomed to hydrocarbon and Volatile Organic Compounds odours, depending on Doha weather conditions, resembles both Fos-sur-Mer and Le Havre. The city is often covered by a smog of Arabian light oil and from the CITES conference centre, super-tankers can be seen crossing dhows made out of mangrove forest wood. The Israeli delegates are protected under tight security measures. That CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) in spite of diplomatic embargos permits for Israeli scientists and Arab countries to try to insure the survival of the ornate spiny-tailed lizard by listing it under appendix I is to the credit of the convention. Its range state residual intersects Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen and Israel. In Doha, WWF and the Union European are global warming sceptics; they refuse the inclusion of the Polar Bear to appendix I.

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(Français) PCB : miracles à Paris et dans le Nord

23 Feb 2010

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Pernicious PCB

12 Feb 2010

Pernicious PCB

 The environmental, sanitary, and social catastrophe due to PCB is propagated to the point that it now affects the sea and international waters. The sardines move, are eaten by carnivorous fish, and enter into the composition of fish meal. PCB accumulates and becomes concentrated in the higher levels of the food chain.

Robin des Bois publishes the map of interior and maritime waters struck by bans on fishing, consuming, or transporting all or particular species of fish. This map is comparable to an inventory of land sites polluted by PCB, regularly updated by Robin des Bois, and of which the newest version will be released at the end of next week.

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An Alang scheme

10 Sep 2008

Within the framework of adapting the fishing fleet to the European policy, hundreds of boats will be demolished in France from now until the end of the year. Each owner receives a substantial compensation bonus from the European Union and the French State which could reach up to 600,000 €. The bonus is calculated taking into account the age of the vessel, its size, the type of fishing and the related catch quota and finally the engine’s power. The paying of this bonus is triggered by a proof of destruction or of the incapacity to navigate.

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(Français) L’information en queue de poisson

29 May 2008

Only in French.

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(Français) La pêche de plaisance est-elle compatible avec le fair play ?

5 May 2008

Only in French.

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(Français) Le salon nautique a trop la pêche

5 Dec 2007

Only in French.

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(Français) Principales décisions de la 14ème CITES

15 Jun 2007

Only in French.

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(Français) Clôture à Bangkok

14 Oct 2004

Only in French.

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