
(Français) Les 2 bateaux sont-ils vides de plutonium ?

5 Oct 2004

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(Français) Un pacifique entre deux guerres

29 Sep 2004

Only in French.

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(Français) Un amour plutonique

14 Sep 2004

Only in French.

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(Français) Où sont-ils? Ils sont à l’Ouest

2 Sep 2004

Only in French.

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(Français) Gaz: la sécurité enterrée

4 Aug 2004

Only in French.

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(Français) Coulé, le monde du silence !

22 Jul 2004

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(Français) Coulé, le monde du silence !

22 Jul 2004

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(Français) Asnières : Saturnisme primaire

21 Jul 2004

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(Français) Asnières : Saturnisme primaire

21 Jul 2004

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The Samaratin Whale

20 Jul 2004

Japan has asked for a new item to be put on the agenda at the 56th International Whaling Commission in Sorrento this week; “future sustainable whaling – full utilization of harvested whales”. The admitted aim of this maneuver – which leaves more than one Party perplexed – is to review the history of past whaling, especially in the Antarctic Ocean, by underlining the possible uses of all whale parts. To do this Japan refers to sustainable development and Article VIII 2 of the founding Convention of the IWC, which stipulates that “any whales taken under these special permits (scientific permits) shall so far as praticable be processed and the proceeds shall be dealt with in accordance with directions issued by the Government by which the permit was granted”.

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