
“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

21 May 2018

“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
792 events from the 1th January to the 31 of March 2018
134 pages, 5 Mo
Seahorses, corals, abalones, giant clams, conches, sea cucumbers, sea urchins,  fishes, pages 4 to 18

Primates p. 56
It’s war on orangutans in Indonesia and Malaysia.

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The International Shipbreaking Show #51

17 May 2018

The International Shipbreaking Show #51

An almost dead calm for the beginning of the year but still 222 ships scrapped, or a 34 km-long convoy. Tankers are in the lead. They are heading younger and younger for the demolition beaches especially double hull ships. The Amba Bhavanee demolished in Alang was 15 years old.

In tonnage, Bangladesh is sweeping the board with the temporary ban of oil tankers in Pakistan. China continues being off-side

27% of the ships scrapped belonged to European or EFTA shipowners.
Of 222 ships, only 6% were scrapped in Europe.

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(Français) Séminaire sur les navires abandonnés et les épaves maritimes

17 May 2018

Only in French.

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(Français) Des décharges les pieds dans l’eau

9 May 2018

(Français) Des décharges les pieds dans l’eau

Only in French.

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(Français) Centrale nucléaire flottante

4 May 2018

(Français) Centrale nucléaire flottante

Only in French.

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(Français) Décharge sauvage en Ile-de-France

4 May 2018

(Français) Décharge sauvage en Ile-de-France

Only in French.

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(Français) L’Europe a un rôle à jouer dans la défense des éléphants

20 Apr 2018

(Français) L’Europe a un rôle à jouer dans la défense des éléphants

Only in French.

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(Français) Les traverses insoutenables de la SNCF

12 Apr 2018

(Français) Les traverses insoutenables de la SNCF

Only in French.

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(Français) La bataille du Rio Tagus n’est pas perdue

9 Apr 2018

Only in French.

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Sète in West Africa

5 Apr 2018

Sète in West Africa

Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) suggests that the port of Sète along the Mediterranean Sea be by special derogation incorporated into the Abuja MoU (Memorandum of Understanding), a West African maritime agreement reputed to be non-existent in the quality control of ships calling in the ports of Abidjan, Lomé, Lagos among others.

Indeed the port of Sète and his maritime safety centre are getting ready in the coming days to let the Paris, a Spanish tug, leave Sète towing the Rio Tagus spoiled by rust and water ingress. She is berthed at Sète for 8 years.

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