
IWC – International Whaling Commission, Portoroz – Press release n° 1

21 Oct 2016

Press release n° 1 – Opening

66th International Whaling Commission
Portoroz – Slovenia
24-28 October 2016


On the table of the 88 Member States, no whale meat, but several important topics for their future, the future of the order Cetacea and of the Commission itself.

Sanctuaries are geographically defined areas in the world ocean where commercial whaling is prohibited and will remain even if the commercial whaling suspension entered into force in 1986 was eventually to be lifted. The Indian Ocean sanctuary was established in 1979 on a proposal of the Seychelles. The Southern Ocean (Antarctic) sanctuary was adopted in 1994. However, given the current state of the IWC founding text , some Member-States may lead scientific whaling with lethal methods in contradiction with the ethics and purpose of the sanctuary.

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Ominous before IWC (Update Oct. 28, 2016)

21 Oct 2016

Ominous before IWC (Update Oct. 28, 2016)

66th IWC – International Whaling Commission
Portoroz – Slovenia
24-28 October 2016

Ominous :

  • October 27, 2016. Daly, California. The male blue whale with skull fractures runs aground at the foot of the cliffs. 65 ft in length.
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On the TRAIL – Special Edition. 66th IWC – International Whaling Commission

20 Oct 2016

On the Trail – Special Edition. 66th IWC

For 3 years, the NGO Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) has been publishing in French and in English the quarterly bulletin “On the Trail” on the poaching and smuggling of animal species threatened with extinction. Information come from a thousand sources, institutions, local medias and NGOs on the spot throughout the world. Each event is analyzed, related with a maximum of practical details and further developments are traced through time.

Sperm whale is the great forgotten one in the work of the IWC at Portoroz. Yet, in Europe the most prestigious, the most mysterious, the most performing, the most literary and the most coveted among cetaceans is on the front line of the casualties, of those waste-suffocated and those disorientated by vibrations and noises from offshore activities, maritime traffic and submarine explosions of ammunition.

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(Français) Commerce d’espèces menacées – bilan de la CITES

11 Oct 2016

(Français) Commerce d’espèces menacées – bilan de la CITES

Only in French.

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(Français) Commerce d’espèces menacées – bilan de la CITES

11 Oct 2016

(Français) Commerce d’espèces menacées – bilan de la CITES

Only in French.

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(Français) Commerce d’espèces menacées – bilan de la CITES

11 Oct 2016

(Français) Commerce d’espèces menacées – bilan de la CITES

Only in French.

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(Français) Commerce d’espèces menacées – bilan de la CITES

11 Oct 2016

(Français) Commerce d’espèces menacées – bilan de la CITES

Only in French.

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(Français) Commerce d’espèces menacées – bilan de la CITES

11 Oct 2016

(Français) Commerce d’espèces menacées – bilan de la CITES

Only in French.

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(Français) Sauvetage de la Toison d’Or

10 Oct 2016

Only in French.

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Viva Botswana and boo to the European Union, chant the elephants

4 Oct 2016

Press release n°6

CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
17th Conference of the Parties. Johannesburg – South Africa
September 24 to October 5, 2016

At least 26 elephants were beheaded end of August in the Chobe National Park in north Botswana and at the heart of an immense territory where 150,000 no border elephants are roaming. Botswana didn’t wait for this massacre to understand that a new situation- the advent of elephant poaching in countries of southern Africa- calls on a new stance. Robin des Bois, no matter what will come out of following events and other positions Botswana may have, admires this courageous and contagious standpoint. In supporting the listing in Appendix I of the elephants who season after season are crisscrossing its territory, Botswana shows also concern for the elephants of Namibia, Angola, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

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