Les strates de l’industrialisation et la désindustrialisation ont superposé dans les sols et sous-sols terrestres et aquatiques des couches de pollutions et greffé dans le paysage et la géologie des bâtiments pollués, des amas de stériles, des fûts et des cuves qui libèrent au fur et à mesure de leur exposition aux intempéries et de la corrosion des résidus et poussières toxiques. L’empreinte écologique de ces ex-activités a une tendance naturelle à s’effacer de la mémoire collective et administrative. Gare à l’oubli et aux reconversions hâtives des friches industrielles et des stations-service.

(Français) Les incendies à la loupe – 2021

21 Oct 2021

(Français) Les incendies à la loupe – 2021

Only in French.

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(Français) Plainte Notre-Dame de Paris – Désignation d’une juge d’instruction (+ rectificatif)

29 Sep 2021

Only in French.

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(Français) Les incendies à la loupe – Normandie

23 Sep 2021

(Français) Les incendies à la loupe – Normandie

Only in French.

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The leaded Notre-Dame’s square

18 May 2021

Notre-Dame de Paris
Press release no. 16

On Friday 14 May 2021, the Agence Régionale de Santé (Regional Health Agency) issued a press release stating that an increase in lead levels in the forecourt of Notre-Dame de Paris had been detected since 26 April. After a clumsy ‘wash down’, which did not specify whether the water was collected or poured into the gutters and the Seine, the levels continued to rise, reaching a very high peak of 34,609 µg/m2 in the centre of the forecourt (ARS press release).

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(Français) Nouvel incendie d’entrepôt à Aubervilliers (93)

16 Apr 2021

(Français) Nouvel incendie d’entrepôt à Aubervilliers (93)

Only in French.

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(Français) Les sans-chênes

18 Mar 2021

(Français) Les sans-chênes

Only in French.

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(Français) Charlie Hebdo et Robin des Bois

9 Sep 2020

(Français) Charlie Hebdo et Robin des Bois

Only in French.

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Cathedral fires

18 Jul 2020

Notre-Dame de Paris
Press release no. 14

Cathedrals and other historic places of worship are vulnerable to accidental fire and malicious damage. Robin des Bois is calling on the Prime Minister, the Minister for Culture and the Minister for the Interior, who have announced that they will be visiting the cathedral of Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul in Nantes this afternoon, to officially and immediately renounce any identical reconstruction of the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, and in particular the use of lead. Despite the professionalism and courage of the firefighters, these fires can disperse toxic dust for local residents and the environment.

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The sin of lead

2 Jun 2020

Notre-Dame de Paris
Press release no. 13

During mass on Sunday 31 May 2020, the holy trinity made up of the City Hall, the Archbishop’s Palace and the Ministry of Culture preached to the press about the relics on the damaged square in front of Notre-Dame de Paris.

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One year on, Notre-Dame de Paris has not risen from the ashes

15 Apr 2020

Notre-Dame de Paris
Press release no. 12

The cathedral remains in a precarious state. It is a permanent source of pollution from lead dust and other metalloids released by the fire. The scaffolding that encircled the cathedral spire is still in place. It too is a major source of lead dust remobilisation.

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