The Onyx has finished her last round of liar’s dice. The old Finnish car ferry already renamed in September before her depart from Vaasa has become too notorious under this patronymic. She was renamed “Kaptain Boris” after calling at Port-Rashid (Dubai).
Her new official owner, Red Line Shipping Ltd is hiding in the tax haven of the Marshall Islands. The ex Onyx, was previously flying a Saint-Kitts and Nevis flag which is ranked on the Memorandum of Paris’ black list as a flag of “high risk”. She has gone down a notch again and is now under a Sierra Leona flag which is listed in the Top 5, flags of “very high risk”.
The official status of the vessel on the Equasis database is now “to be broken up” and no longer “in service”. This confirms the information presented by her former classification society, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping.
Thanks to Europe’s bad faith, the departure of this stateless waste was carried out stealthily. Final destination: demolition. Avoiding persecution from the Indian Justice which might have had its attention drawn to her scandalous reputation and of her being riddled with asbestos, the ex-Onyx has been beached in Gadani, Pakistan, to be broken up.