We have been informed through a correspondent in Asia that the Indian owner Prayati Shipping devoted to buying ships to be demolished has acquired the Ocean Pearl IMO 8226650, presently in a Chinese port. Since June 2010 this general cargo carrier built in 1983 is flying the Saint-Kitts-and-Nevis flag, famous to host ships for their last trip.
The life saving and fire fighting equipments are in a very bad condition, especially both lifeboats. Bridge, crew’s cabin and engine equipments are in a deplorable state. In a sanitary point of view the worst is that water aboard is not drinkable. The internal communication system does not work, electrical wiring is not installed properly. The 22 crew members are not paid. According to Prayati Shipping usual business, they are under a nine months contract.
In the recent Ship-breaking.com # 20, it has been mentionned that the activities of Prayati Shipping are in expansion and that five ships belonging to this owner have been delivered to ship-breaking yards during the second trimester.
Robin des Bois is asking the International Maritime Organisation, the Government of Saint-Kitts-and-Nevis, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), the Chinese and Indian authorities and the international maritime community to contribute to stop Prayati Shipping activities. This locator of end-of-life ships operates them for a few months. They are substandards vessels dangerous for the environment. Prayati Shipping employs crews exposed to unacceptable working conditions and to higher risks of sinking than other vessels.