Posts Tagged "Bretagne"

A Cargo Ship on the Beach

17 Dec 2011

In referring to Article R 304-11 of the Code of Maritime Ports (1), the Port Authority of the port of Lorient – Morbihan – could have proceeded with the postponement of the departure of the TK Bremen. In effect, this 30 year-old ship had reached the age of demolition. She presented numerous deficiencies. The absence of panels on the entire hold, as was demonstrated before by aerial photos – might be one more of them. The ship had been recently detained in a Russian port and its Turkish ship owner, proprietor of two older ships, did not immediately furnish all of the guarantees of reliability. The profile of the TK Bremen was such that those responsible for the security and of the traffic of the port of Lorient should have, in view of the imminent dangers about to confront them in a dangerous maritime environment rich in marine life, banned its departure.

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(Français) Un vendeur de déchets dangereux sévit sur le Il est installé en Bretagne

12 Aug 2010

(Français) Un vendeur de déchets dangereux sévit sur le Il est installé en Bretagne

Only in French.

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(Français) Alerte aux déchets dangereux à Saint Brieuc et à Guingamp

20 Dec 2007

Only in French.

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(Français) Enquête sur 14 petits incinérateurs fermés en région Bretagne – 2004

18 Jan 2004

Only in French.

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(Français) Bretagne: enquête sur 14 incinérateurs éteints

16 Jan 2004

Only in French.

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