Posts Tagged "contrebande"

“On the Trail” n°9

29 Jul 2015

“On the Trail” n°9
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“On the Trail” n°9

29 Jul 2015

“On the Trail” n°9

“On the Trail” # 9 is available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
April, May and June 2015.
pdf 106 pages, 5.7 Mo

Sea cucumbers, sea urchins, corals and fishes, pages 3 and 4

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Well spotted !

11 Jun 2015

Robin des Bois congratulates the Roissy airport customs for their large seizure of ivory from Democratic Republic of the Congo that had a destination of Vietnam (136 kg). The packages of “spare parts” definitely deserved to be targeted.

It is confirmed that Europe and France, contrary to preconceived ideas, are transit areas for the trafficking of ivory and other animal parts between Africa and Asia. The tusks weighing on average a dozen kilos come from breeding elephants whereas it is more common to see today tusks of 2 kg taken from elephants of 3-4 years.

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Well spotted !

11 Jun 2015

Robin des Bois congratulates the Roissy airport customs for their large seizure of ivory from Democratic Republic of the Congo that had a destination of Vietnam (136 kg). The packages of “spare parts” definitely deserved to be targeted.

It is confirmed that Europe and France, contrary to preconceived ideas, are transit areas for the trafficking of ivory and other animal parts between Africa and Asia. The tusks weighing on average a dozen kilos come from breeding elephants whereas it is more common to see today tusks of 2 kg taken from elephants of 3-4 years.

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“On the Trail” n°8

7 May 2015

“On the Trail” n°8

“On the Trail” n°8 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling

The wildlife crime scene of January, February and March 2015 through 500 events across the 5 continents. 108 pages PDF, 5MB
Birds, pages 20 to 28

An immersion in the war of rhino horn and ivory, a focus on the latest tricks of traffickers who hide ivory in medical plaster or milk powder, stuff reptiles and frogs in books for children and cigarette packet, paint leopard skins in tiger skins to maximize profits. An encounter with torn families of poachers, with teachers, scholars and vicars who teach and preach during the day and traffic at night…

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