Posts Tagged "Convention de Washington"

“On the Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

21 Sep 2016

“On  the  Trail“ – Special Edition. 17th meeting of the CITES

Special Edition – 17th meeting of the CITES

For 3 years, the NGO Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) has been publishing in French and in English the quarterly bulletin “On  the  Trail“ on the poaching  and smuggling of animal  species  threatened  with  extinction. Information come from a thousand sources, institutions, local medias and NGOs on the spot throughout the world. Each event is analyzed, related with a maximum of practical details and further developments are traced through time.

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Good news from Libya

11 Apr 2016

Good news from Libya

Customs  officers  have  just  seized  a  total  of  1,700  Kleinmann’s  tortoises (Testudo  kleinmanni)  in  a minibus  and  a  heavy truck. These were the first 2 seizures observed in Libya since the July 2013 publication of “On the trail” n°1, the bulletin of Robin des Bois dedicated to poaching and smuggling endangered animal species.

They prove that despite the political and social chaos, wildlife is not completely left to the devices of traffickers and militia. The 2 vehicles were heading to Egypt. The first reports show that the 200 tortoises in the minibus were collected in the desert to the south of Tripoli. The 1,500 tortoises found in 18 bags inside the truck were collected in an area south of Benghazi.

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(Français) Motus et bouche cousue

7 Nov 1999

Only in French.

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(Français) La relance du bois de rose en Guyane et le surplace du gouvernement français

28 Sep 1999

Only in French.

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Open letter to the governments of the member-states of the CITES Convention

26 Jan 1999

The international ivory trade will recommence from three South-African countries to Japan as of March 1999 in accordance with the decision taken by the members of the CITES in Harare, Zimbabwe in June of 1997. The Standing Committee of the Convention must before guarantee that the eleven conditions for the resumption of trade are effectively fulfilled. Essentially, they are concerned with the reinforcement of inter-African cooperation and the control of elephant poaching and smuggling ivory. The situation will be examined in Geneva at the United Nations from the 8th to the 12th of February 1999. More than one hundred delegations of the member states will attend this meeting.

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