CITES : Vote blank !
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
CITES 2013 – Bangkok, 7.00 pm (local time)
Press release # 6
The United States, Russia, and the European Union take plenary session this week for the 16th CITES assembly. “A joint proposition for polar bears!” such is Robin des Bois’ message for Bangkok.
This new, last resort proposal could ban international polar bear trade concerning eight declining subpopulations. It would be less restrictive than the Appendix-I ban on international trade for all polar bears, and would therefore be more likely to collect more votes than the initial proposal by the United States. The decline of some subpopulations is recognized by all, including Canada. In 1991, Canada regarded the fate of polar bears as something which raised serious concerns. Polar bears in the western part of the Hudson Bay are especially targeted.
CITES : Vote blank !
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
CITES 2013 – Bangkok, 7.00 pm (local time)
Press release # 6
The United States, Russia, and the European Union take plenary session this week for the 16th CITES assembly. “A joint proposition for polar bears!” such is Robin des Bois’ message for Bangkok.
This new, last resort proposal could ban international polar bear trade concerning eight declining subpopulations. It would be less restrictive than the Appendix-I ban on international trade for all polar bears, and would therefore be more likely to collect more votes than the initial proposal by the United States. The decline of some subpopulations is recognized by all, including Canada. In 1991, Canada regarded the fate of polar bears as something which raised serious concerns. Polar bears in the western part of the Hudson Bay are especially targeted.