Posts Tagged "mammifère marin"

Europe mixed up in the traffic of whale meat

19 Jun 2015

The Winter Bay left Iceland on June 4 with a little less than 2000 tons of whale meat in destination to Japan. Iceland is with Norway the only country next to the European Union authorizing whaling.

The European Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora stipulates that Member States should prohibit the transport of specimens of all cetacean species living or dead or of by-products.

In fact, the Winter Bay came to be sold by its Norwegian ship-owner to a Latvian ship-owner, Aquaship Ltd. based in Riga. Latvia is a member of the European Union since 2004.

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Europe mixed up in the traffic of whale meat

19 Jun 2015

The Winter Bay left Iceland on June 4 with a little less than 2000 tons of whale meat in destination to Japan. Iceland is with Norway the only country next to the European Union authorizing whaling.

The European Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora stipulates that Member States should prohibit the transport of specimens of all cetacean species living or dead or of by-products.

In fact, the Winter Bay came to be sold by its Norwegian ship-owner to a Latvian ship-owner, Aquaship Ltd. based in Riga. Latvia is a member of the European Union since 2004.

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(Français) Berlin : pollution imminente !

7 Nov 2014

Only in French.

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Müllhimmel über Berlin

6 Nov 2014


Die mit Sitz in Paris NGO Robin des Bois (Robin Hood ) erfährt, dass für das 25.Gedenken an den Berliner Mauerfall um 19 Uhr am Sonntag 9. November 8000 leuchtende Luftballons in den Himmel aufsteigen werden.

Diese Initiative ist eine Ökologische Katastrophe.Diese 8000 durch die Windströmungen angetriebene Abfälle werden sich zerstückeln und den Wetterbedingungen gemäss in der natürlichen Umwelt, in den Wälder, in der Nordsee oder Ostsee landen. Die Ballonstücke werden von Vögel, Fische und Meeressäugetiere eingenommen. Die Schlingen können die Tiere verstümmeln.

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(Français) Le scandale des lâchers de ballons

22 May 2014

Only in French.

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