Posts Tagged "munition"

Inventory of War Remains of Atlantique-Manche Regions from January 1, 2008 to December 31

2 Jun 2014

Inventory of War Remains of Atlantique-Manche Regions from January 1, 2008 to December 31

Inventory of War Remains

Atlantique-Manche Regions

January 1, 2008 – December 31, 2013

Special D-Day Commemoration

June 2014


Weapons in the inventory
Sanitary and environmental risk
Inventory of War Remains from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2013 with maps:

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Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons

26 Dec 2013

Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons

Update January 3, 2014 – 10:15 AM

Treatment of Syrian chemical substances onboard the American ship Cape Ray is a default solution. It follows Northern European countries’ refusal to directly dispose of the precursor chemical ammunition in specialized facilities (*). This operation on the high seas would install industrialization of the world’s oceans.

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Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons

26 Dec 2013

Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons

Update January 3, 2014 – 10:15 AM

Treatment of Syrian chemical substances onboard the American ship Cape Ray is a default solution. It follows Northern European countries’ refusal to directly dispose of the precursor chemical ammunition in specialized facilities (*). This operation on the high seas would install industrialization of the world’s oceans.

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(Français) Les nouveaux risques pyrotechniques de Toulouse

31 Oct 2012

Only in French.

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Open letter about a secret

13 May 2008

“Public archives may not be consulted if their disclosure is likely to result in the dissemination of information enabling the design, manufacture use or location of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons or any other weapons with direct or indirect destructive effects of a similar level”.

This paragraph, insidiously slipped into the middle of the bill on reforming access to archives currently being examined by the Senate and the National Assembly, undermines the safety and security of future generations, the regulatory framework on polluted sites and the “Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction”.

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