Posts Tagged "navire sous-normes"

(Français) France – Poubelle

27 Sep 2001

Only in French.

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The Bouguenais, without belt or strap

15 Mar 2001

The Bouguenais, owned by Morbihannaise de Navigation, was inspected two times in 2000 in the frame of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding. In Savonne, Italy, three deficiencies were found. In Antwerp, ten deficiencies were found. They concern the certificates of classification and navigation documents, the rescue equipment, the fire fighting system and the navigation security. One infraction related to the International Safety Management – ISM – shows that communication between those aboard and on land is itself also deficient.

Lire la suite

(Français) Le Bouguenais, sans ceinture ni bretelle

15 Mar 2001

Only in French.

Lire la suite

(Français) Veritas si je mens !

20 Feb 2001

Only in French.

Lire la suite

(Français) Eastsea: la France le connaît bien

19 Feb 2001

Only in French.

Lire la suite