Posts Tagged "retraitement de combustible"

(Français) Les crash tests d’Air France

24 Apr 2007

Only in French.

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(Français) Les crash tests d’Air France

24 Apr 2007

Only in French.

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(Français) “Les Verts” en tournée

28 Apr 1997

Only in French.

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Returning the waste to Japan: the sooner the better

15 Feb 1995


The contracts for spent fuel to be reprocessed in France, exported by Germany, Japan, Switzerland and Belgium stipulate that the waste must be sent back to the country of origin by the 31st December 1995.
In December 1990, in the report on the management of HLW compiled by the Parliamentary Office of evaluation of scientific and technological options, Mr. Mandil, General Manager of Energy and Raw Materials at the Ministry of Industry said in response to a question posed by a Robin des Bois representative “The contracts state very clearly the return of the waste to the countries of origin : this means that the return is not dependent on the eventual setting up of an underground storage in these countries of origin. They must deal with the waste which should start to be returned in 1994”.

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(Français) Robin des Bois est au Japon pour protester contre l’arrivée du Plutonium

4 Jan 1993

Only in French.

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