MOL Comfort disaster (follow up)
The fore part of MOL Comfort is approaching the Indian coast. If she continues on her trajectory, she could ground south of Mumbai by the end of the week. The fore part of the wreck travels a hundred kilometers a day. The aft part moves more slowly – about 75 km / day – but in the same direction. Towing operations have not begun.
On June 20, Robin des Bois asked all involved parties, Mitsui Osk Line (MOL), the IMO, the European Union, the countries bordering the Arabian Sea and France, to immobilize the sister-ships of the MOL Comfort to identify the causes of the currently unexplained accident.
On June 24, Robin des Bois asked French authorities to arrest the MOL Competence in the port of Le Havre to prevent a similar accident in the Bay of the Seine, in the Bay of Biscay or on the way to Japan, but the MOL Competence left the port of Le Havre late this morning.
On June 25, MOL released a statement in which they announced their decision “to arrange inspection of the six MOL Comfort sister-ships as soon as possible in cooperation with Mitsubishi shipyards and the classification society Nippon Kaiji Kyokai.” Without waiting, MOL has implemented operational precautions to reduce stress on the vessels as part of an interim contingency plan. Note that the MOL Courage, who was on her way to Europe from Singapore, seems to be awaiting orders.
The MOL Commitment, a new ship that was launched in spring 2013, must be added to the list of sister-ships previously mentioned by Robin des Bois.