
E.U Cattle in hot water

2 Mar 2021

Updated March 4, 2021

Since the late afternoon of March 2, the Elbeik has been sailing back and forth off the south coast of Crete. On the morning of Thursday, March 4, the Elbeik resumed her course. The destination Cartagena is cancelled or postponed. The Elbeik is now heading for Piraeus (Greece). Arrival planned for tomorrow, March 5.

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(Français) Du transport de migrants au transport de cocaïne

26 Feb 2021

(Français) Du transport de migrants au transport de cocaïne

Only in French.

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(Français) L’agonie d’une fabrique de nitrate d’ammonium

8 Feb 2021

Only in French.

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(Français) EcoZonia, c’est la zone

27 Jan 2021

(Français) EcoZonia, c’est la zone

Only in French.

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Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Nada!

22 Jan 2021

Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Nada!

This Friday 22 January 2021 is a great day. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (1) enters into force.

On 7 July 2017, 122 countries adopted this Treaty. In accordance with its Article 15, it enters into force 90 days after the deposit of the 50th instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. Honduras was this 50th categorical opponent to atomic weapons. All the nuclear powers have withdrawn from the adoption Conference and some of them, France, the United States of America and the United Kingdom, are openly hostile to it.

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(Français) Pleins feux sur le sacrifice des canards

12 Jan 2021

(Français) Pleins feux sur le sacrifice des canards

Only in French.

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(Français) 19ème siècle : les bouchons envahissent la Seine

11 Jan 2021

(Français) 19ème siècle : les bouchons envahissent la Seine

Only in French.

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Bonne Année sans champignon !

5 Jan 2021

Only in French.

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Sevmorput, continuation and conclusion, or very nearly

30 Dec 2020

Sevmorput, continuation and conclusion, or very nearly

Press release n°9 – 11:20 am

The atomic container ship Sevmorput anchored at 10:20 French time in the Bay of Neva in front of St. Petersburg with her 2 cut down blades propeller, 97 crew members and technicians and without her captain. She had left St. Petersburg for Antarctica on October 5, 2020 with a new 4-blades propeller and 5000 tons of general cargo intended for the reconstruction of the Vostok scientific station. In September, she had unloaded in St. Petersburg 5000 tons of sea products from Kamchatka via Murmansk. The prestigious mission of the Sevmorput was to achieve a world premiere, the crossing from the North Pole to the South Pole by a nuclear-powered cargo ship.

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Sevmorput, continuation and conclusion, or very nearly

30 Dec 2020

Sevmorput, continuation and conclusion, or very nearly

Press release n°9 – 11:20 am

The atomic container ship Sevmorput anchored at 10:20 French time in the Bay of Neva in front of St. Petersburg with her 2 cut down blades propeller, 97 crew members and technicians and without her captain. She had left St. Petersburg for Antarctica on October 5, 2020 with a new 4-blades propeller and 5000 tons of general cargo intended for the reconstruction of the Vostok scientific station. In September, she had unloaded in St. Petersburg 5000 tons of sea products from Kamchatka via Murmansk. The prestigious mission of the Sevmorput was to achieve a world premiere, the crossing from the North Pole to the South Pole by a nuclear-powered cargo ship.

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